Nile River Proves Flat Earth Video Math Is Incorrect

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

In the Official Flat Earth vs Globe Earth Biblical Discussion Facebook group, BJ Painter posted this video, saying “Best video ever right here !!”

BJ Painter was asked, “shouldn’t the narrator of the video be applying the math to the circumference of the Earth, not the diameter? The 2,400 miles should be compared to the curved 12,280 miles (half of the circumference), not to the straight-line diameter of 7,926 miles.

Here’s a image from the video that has been updated to show the Earth’s circumference line, which should have been used in his calculation.

Nile River Globe Earth

BJ Painter replied with, “These are nasa figures”; as if that answered the question.

NASA Curved Earth Formula Chart

BJ Painter then commented, “But you dont have to believe me, I dont mind if your stupid.”

The irony!  He’s calling people stupid when he doesn’t know how to put an apostrophe in the word don’t, and he used ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’

BJ Painter then commented, “The world needs stupid folks obviously.”

Rodney Phillips commented, “And BJ Painter , being one of the “smart ppl” , still not familiar with elevation.”

Daniel Hurd commented, “BJ Painter, the only thing this post and videos are really showing is that you don’t understand what you are arguing against. You are coming to your own conclusions and then arguing against them when the others are telling you that your conclusion are completely wrong.”

Instead of seeing that the narrator of the video is mistaken in comparing the 2,400 miles to the straight-line diameter of the Earth, instead of the curved circumference; he attacks and mocks people.

It’s pretty easy to see why he believes in the flat earth theory.  Ugh!

The sad part is that the description of the Official Flat Earth vs Globe Earth Biblical Discussion Facebook group says,

If you are looking for a safe environment to discuss the Flat Earth vs Globe Earth from a biblical perspective…look no further! Join NOW!

Safe from what?  Someone can’t even ask a legitimate question about the math in the video without being mocked?  Fail!

In the video, the narrator says that water is flat, and water always finds it’s level.

This video about Lake Pontchartrain proves that wrong!

We can see that the electric towers going across Lake Pontchartrain, which are all designed to be at the same height above water, are indeed curving over the Lake.

Lake Pontchartrain proves that the earth is curved, and that water curves around the globe earth.

Lake Pontchartrain proves that the earth is curved, and water curves around the globe earth

This ‘Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain‘ page provides much more proof, that the earth and water are curving.

Return to the Flat Earth Deception home page.

8 thoughts on “Nile River Proves Flat Earth Video Math Is Incorrect”

  1. “FEs deride gravity because it explains how water-and everything else-is pulled to the earth’s center of mass which necessarily forms a sphere” Water? You do know air bubbles are composed of water, right? So where’s gravity pulling them to the earth’s center of mass? Or does gravity not work on gas but rather liquid and if so why?
    Also try to visualize what you just wrote. Why would water at the top surface of ocean’s “necessarily form a sphere”? I can see the argument being made at the bottom of the ocean. And have you heard of the term surface tension? Explain how surface tension, the only example we have of water curving, could be applicable on something the size of the oceans’ waters

    • You ‘intellect’ is dizzying to be sure! 😛 How is it that you ignore the proof on the home page that shows the electrical towers over Lake Pontchartrain curving, which proves that the water is curving over the earth?

  2. FEs deride gravity because it explains how water-and everything else-is pulled to the earth’s center of mass which necessarily forms a sphere. They ignore the effect of gravity because it validates a round earth. Their like the Wizard of Oz “Pay no attention …..”

    • Agreed Ray! They dismiss gravity, but then they can’t explain what force(s) causes the moon and sun to be suspended above the flat earth; and how the full moon appears closer and brighter during some months.

      • David says “but then they can’t explain what force(s) causes the moon and sun to be suspended above the flat earth”

        Electromagnetism would be my guess, probably emanating from the North Pole just like a clock/watch

        • Yeah, that’s it, ya’ll are guessing. You dismiss ‘science’ but then have no explanations for how things work on the flat earth. Ugh!

    • Agreed Ray! They don’t understand how to apply the curvature formula. They are looking down slightly to the horizon, and then proclaiming that there is no curve, and that the horizon rises up to meet their eyes. The horizon looks like it is rising up because the curved Earth is bulging up. Silly people!

      The formula is based on a straight line perpendicular to the Earth, which extends out to the sky. Then you can see the drop of the earth.

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