The Moon Proves The Flat Earth Deception

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

This page shows proves that the moon proves the globe earth, not the flat earth.

Question for flat earthers: What is the scientific explanation for how the moon appears much larger sometimes, during what’s called a supermoon?

Question for flat earthers: What is the scientific explanation for how the same side of the moon is visible to people in the northern and southern hemispheres, but simple geometry shows that is not possible?

Please comment on the bottom of this page with your answer. Thank you!

This video tests that moonlight has a cooling effect and ultimately the claim that the Moon does not reflect sunlight.


People in northern and southern hemispheres would see different sides of the flat earth moon

Flat earthers push aside proofs that the flat earth model doesn’t work, by claiming that the moon illuminates itself.

UPDATE: During the past few weeks ago after the new moon, I observed the moon every night to see where it was at in the sky in relationship to the setting sun.  The first day the crescent moon was seen in the West, near the sun at sunset.  And every evening since then, then moon was located about 12 degrees East of where it was the previous night.

On the 7th day it was a 1/2 moon that was located directly above, at 90 degrees to the Earth.  And then on the 14th day after the new moon, it was a full moon rising in the east, 180 degrees across of the setting sun.

The relationship is obvious!  As the moons orbit causes it to move further East away from the Sun, we see more of the side of the moon that is illuminated; creating the transition from crescent moon to full moon.  This is an absolute proof that the Sun illuminates the moon!

This video from a professional pilot proves that the moon is not rotating above the flat earth.

Lunar eclipses prove that the Earth is not flat!

Lunar eclipses prove that the Earth is not flat!

Flat earthers proclaim that the moon is self-illuminated.

They have to say this, because their flat earth theory is exposed as false, if the sun does illuminate the moon.

Moon closeup photo proves that the sun illuminates the ball-shaped moon

They have to excuse a myriad of things, to make their flat earth theory seem to work.

But we can see the truth with our own eyes!

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Flat earthers cite Genesis 1:15-18, to proclaim that Scripture says that the moon is a light, just like the sun.

But Scripture does not say that! The Hebrew word for ‘light’ simply points to a luminous body. It does not say that it provides its own illumination.

The Hebrew word for light is ma’owr from 215; properly, a luminous body or luminary, i.e. (abstractly) light (as an element): figuratively, brightness, i.e.cheerfulness; specifically, a chandelier:—bright, light.

215 ‘owr = a primitive root; to be (causative, make) luminous (literally and metaphorically):—X break of day, glorious, kindle, (be, en-, give, show) light (-en, -ened), set on fire, shine.

Websters 1818 Dictionary, which is based on the King James Bible, defines luminary as:

1. Any body that gives light, but chiefly one of the celestial orbs. The sun is the principal luminary in our system. the stars are inferior luminaries.

Hal Hilton provided this proof about the full moon appearing upside down to people in South America, which is not possible on the flat earth.

When standing and viewing the full moon from Alberta Canada, the well defined and unique *face* of the moon itself is easily seen and configured.

If the earth is a globe, one would expect to see the same full moon with the same EXACT unique features…however, it would be viewed, when standing upright in Santiago Chile with those same features upside down.

And that is PRECISELY what is easily observed! Here are two, fully verified, full moon photographs from two separate locations. One from Alberta Canada with the Alberta Legislature Building as a reference source, which is 53 degrees North of the Equator.

Alberta full moon proves globe earth, not flat earth

And one from Santiago Chile with the fully unique Virgin of the Assumption statue located at the Cathedral Church of the Virgin of the Assumption which is 33 degrees South of the Equator.

Santiago, Chile full moon proves globe earth, not flat earth

If the FE model, as promoted with a moon rotation motion over the equator of the FE, the person seeing the moon from Alberta Canada would see one side of the moon…and another person seeing that same moon from Santiago Chile would see the BACK SIDE of the moon…not the 180 degree view of the same side of the moon as seen from Canada.

The flat earth model cannot illuminate the night moon, while not illuminating the sky.


The flat earth sun and moon are said to be 3,000 miles above the earth, so the suns rays would strike the moon on a horizontal plane.

This is no way for the sun’s rays to illuminate the moon, while not illuminating the sky around it.

90 minutes after the full moon rises on the eastern horizon, the whole sky is dark, because the sun is more than 18 degrees around the globe earth.

The sun’s rays no longer strike any part of the overhead sky, but its rays continue to strike the moon, as they both continue around their circuit.

The flat earth model sun cannot illuminate the bottom side of the crescent moon.

The flat earth model sun cannot illuminate the bottom side of the crescent moon.

A total lunar eclipse is not possible on the flat earth model.

During a total solar eclipse there is no way on the flat earth model that a circular shadow can be cast on the moon. There is nothing in between sun and moon on the flat earth model to create a solar eclipse.

The path of the Sun and Moon prove that the flat earth theory is invalid.

The full moon does not work on the flat earth model.

It’s not just the full moon that doesn’t work, but that’s the clearest example.

On the evening that the full moon is rising on the east horizon, the sun is setting on the west horizon.  Throughout the night the sun and moon will continue moving west, and the sun (which is ahead of the moon) will illuminate the side of the moon that is facing it.

The problem on the flat earth model is that from our perspective as the moon transits the sky, the side of the moon that is fully illuminated by the sun moves away from us.

There is no way to see a full moon all evening on the flat earth model, because when the moon sets in the west, the sun is ahead of it illuminating the side that is hidden from us

The path of the Sun and Moon prove that the flat earth theory is invalid

This is really simple to understand. We’ll use a full moon over the continent of Australia as an example.

On October 16, 2016 the full moon rose at 7:13 pm, and it set at 6:57 am on October 17.  So the moon would be visible over Australia during that time, as it tracks across the sky.

Keep in mind how the moon supposedly travels around the flat earth, in a large circle overhead.

The moon proves the flat earth model does not work

First of all, the only way to see the fully illuminated moon rise East of Australia is to have the Sun directly opposite of it in the West.  It can’t be across the Earth or at any other angle, as that would not let Australians see the fully illuminated side.

Flat earth sun cannot create a full moon

3 hours after moonrise, it should still be on the East side of the sky, but on the flat earth model it would already be on the West side of Australia.

, so 3 hours after it rose on the east side, it would already be on the west side of Australia 10am

6 hours after it rose, it should be directly overhead, but instead on the flat earth map, it’s 1/4 of the way around the earth, and not visible from Australia.

Even if it was visible, since the Sun is ahead of it, then the fully illuminated side of the moon would no longer be facing Australia.

Full moon doesn't work on the flat earth model

9 hours after it rose in the East it should be in the Western part of the Australian sky; but on the flat earth it is approaching Africa, where Australians cannot see it.

, so 3 hours after it rose on the east side, it would already be on the west side of Australia 4pm

12 hours after it rose in the East it should be setting in the West; but on the flat earth it is on the opposite side of the earth, where Australians cannot see it.

, so 3 hours after it rose on the east side, it would already be on the west side of Australia 7pm

So the concept of the flat earth moon rotating above in a circle seems neat, but simple logic shows that it does not work in the real world.

Some flat-earthers proclaim that the moon is self-illuminated, but they cannot explain how it illuminates the different phases, such as the crescent moon.

This video explains the simplicity of the sun-moon-earth relationship, which gives us the different phases of the moon.

Some flat-earthers proclaim that the moon is not real, but the Scriptures disagree.

He made the moon for appointed times; The sun knows its going down. Psalm 104:19

One of the oldest proofs of the Earth’s shape, however, can be seen from the ground and occurs during every lunar eclipse. The geometry of a lunar eclipse has been known since ancient Greece.

When a full moon occurs in the plane of Earth’s orbit, the Moon slowly moves through Earth’s shadow. Every time that shadow is seen, its edge is round. Once again, the only solid that always projects a round shadow is a sphere.

Astrophotographer Jerry Lodriguss captures the phases of a total lunar eclipse are seen here in a composite image. full

The appearance of the crescent moon and the celestial bodies in the skies, is opposite for people in the northern and southern hemispheres. That would not be possible on a flat earth.

They believe that NASA is faking every image of earth, is to pretend that they are the only source of images of the earth. That means that every weatherperson showing storms or hurricanes, with a view from satellite which shows the globe earth, is all faked.

Time-lapse photos of the moon during a lunar partial eclipse, clearly showing the circular shadow produced by the ball-shaped earth.

Earth shadow on the moon proves globe earth

Goofy flat earth explanations about the Moon:

Flat earthers proclaim that the moon isn’t globe-shaped, but a flat disc.

One can prove that the moon is globe-shaped, as the craters on the moon are all circular.  But  around the edge, the craters appear elliptical, which proves that the surface is curving.

Flat earthers proclaim that the moon isn't globe-shaped, but a flat disc.


They claim that it’s impossible for people in Australia and Florida to see the moon at the same time on the globe earth.  But the opposite is true.  They claim that the Sun only illuminates one part of the flat earth, so it can be dark on the other side.  The same would be true of the moon, which would not be seen all around the flat earth.

Flat earth synchronized moon photos in Australia and Florida

Australia and Florida are not completely opposite each other on the globe, so if the moon is high above them somewhere in between them, both locations would be able to see it, and their orientation would be opposite, as you can see on this photo.

Globe earth moon photo from Australia and Florida

This image implies that a simultaneous moon sightings are not possible on a globe, but the irony is that it would not be possible on the flat earth either. 

They claim that the Sun only illuminates one part of the flat earth, so it can be dark on the other side.  The same would be true of the moon, which would not be seen all around the flat earth.  Are we supposed to believe that people in Australia and South America, which are on opposites sides of the supposed flat earth, are able to see the moon at the same time?

All that said, where is the proof that people in all of those cities actually saw the moon at the same time?

Moon sightings not possible on globe earth

Flat earthers say that the moon is transparent, that you can see through the non-illuminated part of the moon.

This is just goofy. Trusting your eyes about something that is so distant, is a formula for being deceived.

Flat earthers say that the moon is a flat disk.

The curve that is created from the illumination of the sun proves that it is in fact a ball.




















57 thoughts on “The Moon Proves The Flat Earth Deception”

  1. Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

    The moon is a light. Bible says so.

    • Alexandra, If I use a mirror to reflect the sun into your eyes, are you not blinded by the light? Yes! Is the mirror a light? No!

      We are called to be the LIGHT of the world. Are we a literal light because the Bible says so? No! We reflect the truth of the Sun of Righteousness.

  2. I love the use of a false dichotomy. Who states that the AE model used by some people claiming to be FEers is everyone’s model? I am a Globe Skeptic and do not claim to have a model, but then I do not have a budget of 50 plus million per day to try and see if one can be found. Or would be allowed to even if I had that budget? I have reasonable doubt that we do not live on a sphere, globe, ball, call it what you will. This is like atheists that think by picking holes in say the Bible, disproves a creator(s).

  3. The earth is flat and round like a pizza, and antarctica is the crust that eeps us from fall of the egde of the world

    • Except they do. You see the stars on the opposite side of the Earth six months apart. Our clocks account for this by the mean solar day being about four minutes longer than the sidereal day, so that there is one fewer solar day than sidereal days in a year. Because the Earth’s axis of rotation is not normal to its orbital plane, and the Earth’s orbit is an ellipse, rather than a circle, orbital component of the solar day is not constant throughout the year, which explains the phenomenon of the analemma: the Sun’s position in the sky at the same time each day forms a figure-8 over the course of the year.

  4. If the earth was flat, the most southerly places, like Puerto Williams, Chile, would only get about 2 hours of sunlight every day, and summer or winter wouldn’t make much difference for them, which isn’t the case at all. The earth simply can’t be flat.

    • That’s a simple, logical explanation Trish! Unfortunately, most FE’s aren’t real logical. The sun and moon rise up at full size from below the horizon, which is not possible if the earth was flat, but that simple logic escapes them.

      • The sun and moon don’t actually ‘rise’ over the horizon, they simply disappear into our earth’s atmosphere when ‘setting’ and reappear when ‘rising’, which gives the impression of ‘rising’ and ‘setting.’ If you are looking across a flat plain at eye level to you and something continuously moves back across it, there is a point when it fades from view, due to being too far away. That is how the sun and moon work for a flat earth. And the moon is not illuminated by the sun, as the lies of science tell us. The Bible says (Genesis 1:14-18)
        14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

        15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

        16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

        17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

        18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

        It is obvious, therefore, that the sun does not illuminate the moon, for God created two great lights, not one to illuminate the other. The stars also, it says above that He ‘set them in the firmament of the heaven,’ which does not allow for them being in ‘outer space.’ It actually says right there that they are in our firmament. We are not a globe earth, and there are so many proofs. People are just too blind and too brainwashed by the lies in our school systems today to believe the truth. I believed in a globe earth until only a couple of months ago, when my family began to look into the matter of a flat earth, just to prove flat earthers wrong. Well, we discovered that it was us who were wrong, and although we don’t understand everything about the flat earth yet, we have learned a lot, and it’s certainly enough to prove a globe earth wrong. My favorite proofs are the biblical ones, because you know those can’t be lies, but much of science proves a globe earth wrong too. Take G-force, for example. Have you ever looked into the G-force upon the pilots of the Blue Angels? Imagine trying to go all the way up through our atmosphere and out into ‘space’ when they have a hard time remaining conscious at the level that they fly their planes! And you can’t say that a rocket would protect them, because the materials a rocket is made of would melt far before they ever got near to exiting our atmosphere. All you have to do is look into things, I’ve learned it is far wiser to look into things yourself than to simply believe all that your told by our corrupt government. After all, Satan is the ‘Prince and Power of the air.’ Why wouldn’t he try his best to deceive us. It’s sad how many he’s succeeded in blinding to God’s truth. I hope that this is helpful and enlightening for you, and that you don’t just ignore the truth like so many others but actually research it yourself. All the best to you, and God bless.

        • Lilyanna, if the earth was flat, then the sun would appear as a small dot above the eastern horizon, it would grow dynamically in size as it moves overhead, and then it would shrink back down to a small dot above the western horizon. But that’s not what we see.

          The sun rises at full size from below the eastern horizon, it stays the same size all the way across the sky, and then it sets at full size below the western horizon.

          As for the moon, how does it illuminate itself? How does it create the different phases every month?

          Satan has deceived the world with the heliocentric doctrine, which is used to promote the evolution lie. But the Bible describes a geocentric universe with an immovable globe earth at the center, which proves the Creator.

  5. Dude, you need to rethink. When you look up at something, its orientation depends upon YOUR ORIENTATION! If you spin around and look at something above you from a different direction it appears BACKWARDS. Think it through.

    • Dudette, that comment helps me understand why you’re a flat-earther. How about tackling these questions which are on that page.

      Question for flat earthers: What is the scientific explanation for how the moon appears much larger sometimes, during what’s called a supermoon?

      Question for flat earthers: What is the scientific explanation for how the same side of the moon is visible to people in the northern and southern hemispheres, but simple geometry shows that is not possible?

  6. I also posted two methods in the past for the Cold moon people to debunk their own test.
    1) Repeat the same tests, with the same atmospheric conditions, but NO MOON. It will still show the one in the open is colder.
    2) Put two thermometers out in the open, block the moonlight to one of them by a tennis ball on a stick several feet away. They will show the same cold temps.

    I suspect some may have tried this, but chose to withhold the results.

    • Thanks for the information Joel. That’s what I found when doing tests, is that you can duplicate getting different temperature readings on nights with no moon. And like you, I believe that some flat-earthers have seen that truth, but they withheld it, as it destroys that supposed proof.

  7. I have done the Cold Moon Temperature tests.
    But I amplified the thermal’s guns sensitivity by a factor up to 128, by putting it in my all mirror telescope’s 2″ eyepiece focuser, so only mirrors, no lenses.
    These mirrors reflect about 85% of the IR energy per surface, so 72% on 2 mirrors.
    I got the moon 40F WARMER, than the cold dark sky next to it.


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