Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine – Pastors OKAY with Science casting doubt on God’s Word Video

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted a video called ‘Pastors OKAY with Science casting doubt on God’s Word’.

Flat earthers deny all of the science which backs up the globe earth, yet they have no proven science of their own. All of their lame explanations are done with CGI graphics.

Answer these questions Nathan Roberts:

What is the scientific explanation for how the sun changes its path, to move from the larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 mile circumference) to the much smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 mile circumference)?

Question for flat earthers:  The winter solstice was on 12/21, so the sun is circling near the Tropic of Capricorn. What is the scientific explanation for how the sun changes its path, to move from the larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 mile circumference) to the much smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 mile circumference)?

And what is the scientific explanation for how the sun changes speed from 1,322 MPH on the larger circle to 771 MPH on the smaller circle, to complete exactly one revolution per day? Please comment below.

Note: the numbers for the tropics are based on the supposed flat earth map, not on the globe. The supposed flat earth map is distorted, as it’s a north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe earth. So though the Tropics on the globe earth have a circumference of 22,847 miles, on the flat earth map they are distorted. Using the equator as a baseline at 24,901 miles in circumference; the numbers of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 miles) and the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 miles) are based on the geometry of the azimuthal projection; not the actual globe.

How do you explain why the continent of Australia is so distorted on your supposed flat earth map and it appears to be 3,525 miles wide, when we know from actual geodesic measurements that it’s 2,500 miles wide? Please comment below.

This page discusses maps which prove that the earth is a globe, not flat.

Seriously, they have no pictures of the glass dome. They have no pictures of the edge of the earth. They have no pictures of the flat earth from high in the sky, to show all of the land masses. And all of their explanations are pseudoscience.

Yet Nathan Roberts has the audacity to make accusations against brothers and sisters in Messiah, who believe that the earth is globe-shaped.

The saddest part is that most of the “Over 200 Bible verses prove we are on a stationary and FLAT earth with a Dome over our head” that Nathan cites are taken out of context; so his accusations is based on false theology. That’s a double fail!

Read Flat Earther Nathan Roberts of DEBUNKED!