Nathan Roberts MCToon Debate Flat Non-Rotating Document

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

I watched the 07/07/19 debate between Nathan Roberts and MCToon. Here’s a link to my review of the debate: Nathan Roberts and MCToon flat earth debate, hosted by SciManDan

On 07/08/19, Nathan posted a video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page called ‘Globe vs. Flat Earth LIVE DEBATE HIGHLIGHTS

On that YouTube page, someone commented with:

You’re dishonest. This was TOO easy. I picked just ONE of the documents that YOU claims the government admits FE. Telling how you ignore, cherry-pick and quote mine from this one single document. I can do this ALL the documents you listed. The reason? You’re a liar. Simple as that.

this from his quote mined field artillary manual:

3-55. If a round were fired in a vacuum, gravity would cause the projectile to return to the surface of the earth. The path or trajectory of the projectile would be simple to trace. All projectiles, regardless of size, shape, or weight, would follow paths of the same parabolic shape and would achieve the same range for a given muzzle velocity and quadrant elevation.

3-56. The factors used to determine the data needed to construct a firing table for firing in a vacuum are the angle of departure, muzzle velocity, *and acceleration caused by the force of gravity*. The initial velocity imparted to a round has two components–horizontal velocity and vertical velocity. The relative magnitudes of horizontal and vertical components vary with the angle of elevation. For example, if the elevation were zero, the initial velocity imparted to the round would be horizontal in nature and there would be no vertical component. If, on the other hand, the elevation were 1,600 mils (disregarding the effects of rotation of the earth), the initial velocity would be vertical and there would be no horizontal component.

3-57. *Gravity causes a projectile in flight to fall to the earth. Because of gravity, the height of the projectile at any instant is less than it would be if no such force were acting on it.* In a vacuum, the vertical velocity  would decrease from the initial velocity to zero on the ascending branch of the trajectory and increase from zero to the initial velocity on the descending branch, Zero vertical velocity would occur at the summit of the trajectory. For every vertical velocity value on the upward leg of the ascending branch there is an equal vertical velocity value downward on the descending branch. Since there would be no resistance to the forward motion of the projectile in a vacuum, the horizontal velocity component would be a constant. The acceleration caused by the force of gravity (9.81 m/s) affects only the vertical velocity.”

or this:

3-61. This paragraph concerns only those factors that establish the relationship between the standard range, elevation, and achieved range.

 The standard (chart) range is the range opposite a given elevation in the firing tables. It is assumed to have been measured along the surface of a sphere concentric with the earth and passing through the muzzle of a weapon. For all practical purposes, standard range is the
horizontal distance from the origin of the trajectory to the level point.”

even better:

3-63. Firing tables are based on actual firings of a piece and its ammunition correlated to a set of standard conditions. Actual firing conditions, however, will never equate to standard conditions. These deviations from standard conditions, if not corrected for when computing firing data will cause the projectile to impact at a point other than the desired location. Corrections for nonstandard conditions are made to improve accuracy.
 Range effects. Some of the deviations from standard conditions affecting range are:
 Muzzle velocity.
 Projectile weight.
 Range wind.
 Air temperature.
 Air density.
* Rotation of the earth.*
 Propellant temperature.”

Deflection effects. Some of the deviations from the standard conditions affecting deflection are:
 Drift.
 Crosswind.
*Rotation of the earth.*”

5-33. Massing. Massing is the simultaneous execution of two or more firing elements to achieve maximum effects on a critical target. The 3 x 6 battery bringing its two platoons to bear on a single target, a battalion massing on one point and even a Field Artillery Brigade commander bringing all his battalions onto a single target are all examples of massing. Regardless of the level of command, certain fundamental conditions must be met for two or more units to engage targets effectively together.

5-34. The first condition for massing is that all firing units must be on a common location and azimuth system; that is, common survey. This includes all platoons, radars, meteorological stations, and observers. The survey control should extend into the target area as well.

5-35. The second condition is accurate MV information for each weapon. Manual corrections for MVVs will occur during concurrent met techniques and subsequent met applications and through determining TGPCs with the Ml7/M19 plotting boards.

5-36. The third condition is valid met corrections considered by each of the firing platoons. *This includes the met message valid for the firing platoon, propellant temperature, projectile weight, vertical interval, and corrections for earth rotation.*”


7-16. Table F lists information needed to determine firing data to attack a target and for solving concurrent and subsequent met. Table F is comprised of 19 columns. Columns 2 through 7 provide information for the computation of basic firing data and are based on a set of standard conditions. The remaining columns provide corrections to range and deflection for nonstandard conditions. The asterisks extending across the table denote the changeover point from low-angle to high-angle fire. The entry argument for this table is either chart range expressed to the nearest 10 meters or entry range expressed to the nearest 100 meters.

When entering the table with chart range, interpolation is needed to determine precise values from this table. (See figure 7-15 on page 7-13.)

Range (Column 1). This is the distance measured from the muzzle to the *target on the surface of a sphere concentric with the earth.* When chart range is used as the entry argument for this table, it is expressed to the nearest 10 meters and interpolation is necessary.”

Nathan Roberts FlatEarthDoctrine replied with “flat, nonrotating.”

That’s the bottom line. Nathan doesn’t care that the document proclaims that the earth is a sphere and cites gravity; all he cares is that the words ‘flat, nonrotating’ appeared in the document. That’s the mentality of a fifth grader.

Just like he cites the 1537 Matthew’s Bible which uses the word ‘flat earth’ to point to an open field where Uriah’s soldiers were camped out in tents. It has nothing to do with the shape of the earth, but Nathan doesn’t care about that.

Read Flat Earther Nathan Roberts of DEBUNKED!