Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Altrusa Flat Earth Map

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Nathan Roberts posted a video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, called ‘The TRUTH about Altrusa International, another Satanic Club EXPOSED!’

Nathan Roberts showed their Altrusa International pin, and said “they love the flat earth map as their symbol.”

Nathan Roberts posted a video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, called 'The TRUTH about Altrusa International, another Satanic Club EXPOSED!'

This is the intellectual level of Nathan Roberts and flat earthers! Altrusa (and the U.N.) can’t put a 3D globe on a logo to show all of the nations, so they use a 2D north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe earth.  It’s a 2D globe map!!!

North Poles Equidistant map project is not a flat earth map

Every time Nathan Roberts posts that image, out of ignorance he’s posting an image of the globe earth!

Here’s a south-polar azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe earth. Notice how the continent of Antarctica is represented properly, as is Australia. Notice that the continents that are far away from the center are distorted.

Antartica south pole azimuthal map proces the flat earth theory is false

And notice that there’s no white ring around it, as there’s no land mass opposite of the South Pole.

Read Maps Prove The Flat Earth Deception