Flat Earther Paul Raines Misleading Post About Boats

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

On 01-21-18, Paul Raines shared this meme on the Facebook group: The FLAT out TRUTH & no BALL face LIES.

On 01-21-18, Paul Raines shared this meme on the Facebook group: The FLAT out TRUTH & no BALL face LIES.

Paul Raines declared that there is no curve and all you have to do is zoom in to see the boat.

The irony of his post is that most of the boat’s hull is hidden by the water, proving that the earth is curved.

Paul Raines declared that there is no curve and all you have to do is zoom in to see the boat.

You can’t even see the back part of the boat, as the deck and hull are totally hidden by the water.

The boat is disappearing from the bottom up, just like we expect that it would on a curved earth.

I’ve noticed that flat earthers zoom in on boats that are a couple of miles out, so that they can say that all you have to do is zoom in to see the boat again.

But you won’t see them doing that with boats that are 10 miles out, because they are out of sight, even with a telescope; as the bulge of the curved earth is hiding them.

Just more proof that Paul Raines is either a troll who is deceiving people about the flat earth, or that he is blind; as his meme proved that the earth is curved.

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