This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.
This page provides proof that Antarctica is a continent on the bottom of the globe earth, not an ice ring that surrounds the flat earth.
Flat earthers show pictures of the supposed ice shelf that encircles the flat earth.
In reality, the pictures that they post are of the Ross Ice Shelf, which is the largest ice shelf of Antarctica, taking up an area of roughly 188,000 sq miles; about 500 miles across and 600 miles long; so it is about the size of France
The nearly vertical ice front to the open sea is more than 370 miles long, and between 50 and 160 ft high above the water surface.
The continent of Antarctica is circumnavigated as a boating race coarse.
Yachting legend Jon Sanders was the first man to circumnavigate Antarctica, circling the continent twice in 1981 – 1982.
During the voyage, he passed south of the three great capes: Horn, Good Hope and Leeuwin, before rounding Cape Horn a second time. He turned north to Plymouth, UK and returning south around Good Hope and returning to Fremantle.
This voyage was recognized in the Guinness Book of Records through the following records:
- The first single-handed sailor to remain continuously at sea twice around the world
- First single-handed sailor to round the five southern most Capes twice on one voyage
- First single-handed sailor to round the five southern most Capes twice
- Longest distance continuously sailed by any yacht: 48,510 miles (78,070 km).
- Longest period alone at sea during a continuous voyage: 419 days: 22 hours: 10 minutes
This proves that Antarctica is a continent that is capable of being circled. Sailing around the ice wall of the flat earth would have taken way more time.
The Antarctica Cup Race proves that it is a continent.
This event is a non-stop race of circumnavigating Antarctica, passing the three most notorious capes on the planet Cape Leeuwin, Cape Horn, Cape Agulhuss.
The record time is 102 days 00 hours 56 minutes 50 seconds for this 16,400 mile circuit of Antarctica.
Obviously if they were sailing around the supposed ice wall on the flat earth, they would be traveling a much longer distance; as flat earthers estimate that it would be 70,000 – 78,000 miles.
Mike Horn sailed to Antarctica, then kited to the south pole, then to the Australia side of the continent.
After 57 days solo, Mike reached the Dumont d’Urville station on the other side of Antarctica, becoming the first person to complete this 5,000km traverse.
Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions is the sole provider of logistic support and safety backup for climbing expeditions to Mt. Vinson, the highest peak in Antarctica.
Working in the world’s coldest environment, the mechanics at ALE operate and maintain everything from snowmobiles to turbo-prop planes to the tracked passenger vans that shuttle climbers from the blue ice runway to Union Glacier Camp.
Flat Earthers say that they don’t have pictures of the end of the ice wall and dome, because of the Antarctic Treaty; and that the military keeps people out.
Flat earthers proclaim that nobody can visit Antarctica, but many people do that every year; including who take the Antarctica Sightseeing Flight.
The people who travel to or live in Antarctica fall into two main groups, those who live and work on scientific research stations or bases, and tourists.
Here is a helicopter view of McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Facing the mountains across the Ross Sea, the helo rises, turning toward the helipad, the Crary Lab (three white buildings connected by ramp), the blue dining hall with dorms, fuel storage tanks (round white things), windmills above Scott Road; then a brief view of volcano Mount Terror, heading out across Ross Sea. Mount Discovery appears, then the Royal Society Range (I think). Then a long stretch of sea ice, ending with a giant flat iceberg.
Here are pictures of Villa Las Estrellas, showing that Antarctica is not just an impassable ice shelf.
Here is a photo of Villa Las Estrellas from above.
There are around 66 scientific bases in Antarctica, of which about 37 are occupied year round. There are about 4,000 people through the summer months and about 1,000 overwinter each year.
Here is McMurdo Base.
Here’s a picture of tourists exploring Antarctica.
You can see more pictures of McMurdo Base – Antarcticans Database Project
The South Pole Station
Antarctica Travel
Antarctica Mountains
Falt-earthers say that if people try to visit Antarctica, they will be met with resistance by the military.
Apparently someone forgot to tell these people who had adventures there.
Trip to Antarctica 2016
You can book flights to Antarctica
You can go an Antarctica Cruise and Adventure Travel With Cool Antarctica and Expedition Trips
Quark Expeditions has been the world leader in polar cruises and guided tours for over two decades and successfully operated many first-ever passenger trips to Antarctica, including the Circumnavigation of the Antarctic continent and the first Weddell Sea voyage.
Here are links to more videos proving that people visit and explore Antarctica:
Antarctica Cruise – Visiting The Antarctica Peninsula
Antarctica Adventures with the Best Cruise Ship Ever Built
Expedition cruise to Antarctica with Polar Star Expeditions
Want to travel to Antarctica?
Antarctica, Secrets Beneath the Ice | Full Documentary HD
Under the Antarctic Ice Beauty of The Nature 720p Documentary
Is An Ancient City Hidden Under Antarctica?
The Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the Geographic South Pole, the southernmost place on the Earth.
Antarctic related mapping resources prove that it is a continent:
- BAS Map Catalogue — a selection of maps published by BAS, with ordering information
- Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) — the premier source of vector topographic data for Antarctica
- British Antarctic Territory Gazetteer — list of all approved names for British use within the British Antarctic Territory
- South Georgia GIS — Web-based visualisation tool for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands spatial data, funded by the South Georgia Government (GSGSSI). Downloads of datasets available to South Georgia science community (free registration required)
- SCAR Map Catalogue – A catalogue of Antarctic region maps produced by SCAR member countries
- SCAR Geoscience Map Catalogue – A listing of all geoscientific maps of Antarctica
Flat earthers post images like this, that show the thick ice shelf of Antarctica, and imply and that it is an ice ring that encircles the Earth.
Are there places like this on Antarctica? Yes. Is all of Antarctica like this? No.
Here’s a video from a flat earther about wikileaks emails that contained pictures of Antarctica. I’m not sure why he seems to think that it proves the protected ice ring, because it shows the opposite, with mountains, ships, etc.
He seems to make a big deal out of ships that have sails, like that means something significant.
And he’s right. In order to keep Antarctica pristine and not risk pollution from motorized ships, in some of the places they use sailing ships.
On Flat Earth Deception home page you saw that flat-earther are using an north-polar azimuthal equidistant map, which shows the globe earth on a 2D projection. The Southern hemisphere is flared out to make it visible, which greatly exaggerates the size of the southern continents such as Australia.
The only way to represent the continent of Antarctica is to project is as a ring, because all of the longitudinal lines point down to it.
When asked for pictures of the edge of the flat earth, they proclaim that Antarctica is protected so that nobody can see the edge of the supposed dome.
So they dismiss any image from space, but they have no photos to prove that Antarctica encircles the flat earth, or that there is an edge to the supposed dome.
So until they produce pictures of the end of the supposed ice rings, we’ll have to trust these pictures from people are not involved in the flat earth discussion.
Additional resources that prove that Antarctica is a continent, not an ice ring:
50 Years of Antarctic Research Expeditions by the Geographical Survey Institute
Here’s a list of Antarctic expeditions is a chronological list of expeditions involving Antarctica, and NO ICE WALL OR GLASS DOME WAS REPORTED.
- 1907 — 1909 Nimrod Expedition – On 9 January
- 1909, Ernest Shackleton reached 88’23S (Farthest South), and on 16 January 1909, Professor Edgeworth David reached the South Magnetic Pole at (72°25’S 155°16’E? / ?72.417°S 155.267°E? / -72.417; 155.267) (mean position)
- 1908 — 1910 Fourth French Antarctic Expedition – led by Jean-Baptiste Charcot
- 1910 — 1912 Japanese Antarctic Expedition – led by Nobu Shirase
- 1910 — 1912 Roald Amundsen’s South Pole expedition – On 14 December 1911, reached the South Pole (90° S)
- 1910 — 1913 Terra Nova Expedition – On 17 January1912, Robert Falcon Scott, reached the South Pole (90° S)
- 1928 — 1930 Richard Evelyn Byrd – First expedition
- 1931 H Halvorsen – discovered Princess Astrid Coast
- 1931 Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen – flew over Antarctica, discovered Kronprins Olav Kyst
- 1933 — 1935 Richard Evelyn Byrd – Second expedition
- 1933 — 1939 Lincoln Ellsworth – Aircraft expedition
- 1934 — 1937 British Graham Land Expedition
- 1936 Lars Christensen – dropped Norwegian flag over Prince Harald Coast
- 1938 Third German Antarctic Expedition (New Swabia, or Neuschwabenland, claimed for Nazi Germany) – led by Alfred Ritscher
- 1939 — 1941 United States Antarctic Service Expedition – led by Richard Evelyn Byrd
- 1943 — 1945 Operation Tabarin – led by Lieutenant James Marr
- 1946 — 1946 Operation Highjump – led by Richard Evelyn Byrd
- 1947 — First Chilean Antarctic Expedition
- 1947 — 1948 Operation Windmill – led by Commander Gerald Ketchum
- 1947 — 1946 Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition – led by Finn Ronne
- 1949 — 1952 Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition – led by John Giaever
- 1955 — 1956 Operation Deep Freeze – led by Richard Evelyn Byrd
- 1955 — 1957 1st Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Mikhail Somov
- 1956 Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station established
- 1956 — 1958 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition – led by Vivian Fuchs
- 1956 — 1958 2nd Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Aleksei Treshnikov
- 1957 — 1958 International Geophysical Year
- 1957 Scott Base established
- 1957 — 1958 Luncke Expedition
- 1957 — 1959 3rd Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Yevgeny Tolstikov
- 1958 — 1960 4th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Aleksandr Dralkin
- 1959 — 1961 5th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Yevgeny Korotkevich
- 1960 South African National Antarctic Expedition
- 1960 — 1962 6th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by V.Driatsky
- 1961 — 1963 7th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Aleksandr Dralkin
- 1962 — 1962 Vostok traverse – led by Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE)
- 1962 — 1964 8th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Mikhail Somov
- 1963 — 1965 9th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Mikhail Somov
- 1964 — 1966 10th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by M.Ostrekin, I.Petrov
- 1965 — 1967 11th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by D.Maksutov, Leonid Dubrovin
- 1966 — 1968 12th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Pavel Senko and Vladislav Gerbovich
- 1967 — 1969 13th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Aleksei Treshnikov
- 1968 — 1970 14th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by D.Maksutov, Ernst Krenkel
- 1969 — 1971 15th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Pavel Senko and Vladislav Gerbovich
- 1970 — 1972 16th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by I.Petrov and Yury Tarbeyev
- 1971 — 1973 17th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Yevgeny Korotkevich, V.Averyanov
- 1972 — 1974 18th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Pavel Senko
- 1973 — 1975 19th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by D.Maksutov, V.Ignatov
- 1974 — 1976 20th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by V.Serdyukov, N.Kornilov
- 1975 — 1977 21st Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by O.Sedov, G.Bardin
- 1976 — 1978 22nd Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by N.Tyabin, Leonid Dubrovin
- 1977 — 1979 23rd Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by V.Serdyukov, O.Sedov
- 1978 — 1980 24th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by A.Artemyev, O.Sedov
- 1979 — 1980 25th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by N.Kornilov, N.Tyabin
- 1980 — 1981 Transglobe Expedition – led by Ranulph Fiennes
- 1980 — 1982 26th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by V.Serdyukov, V.Shamontyev
- 1981 — 1983 27th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by D.Maksutov, R.Galkin
- 1982 — 1984 28th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by N.Kornilov, A.Artemyev
- 1983 — 1985 29th Soviet Antarctic Expedition – led by N.Tyabin, L.Bulatov
- 1984 – 1987 In the Footsteps of Scott – led by Robert Swan
- 1984 – 1985 1st Uruguayan Antarctic Expedition – Antarkos I Led by Lt.Col. Omar Porciúncula
- 1984 — 1986 30th Soviet Antarctic Expedition – led by D.Maksutov, R.Galkin
- 1985 — 1987 31st Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by N.Tyabin, V.Dubovtsev
- 1986 — 1988 32nd Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by V.Klokov, V.Vovk
- 1987 Iceberg B-9 calves and carries away Little Americas I – III
- 1987 — 1989 33rd Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by N.A.Kornilov, Yu.A.Khabarov
- 1987 — 1988 First Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition — St. Kliment Ohridski Base established
- 1988 — 1990 34th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by S.M.Pryamikov, L.V.Bulatov
- 1989 — 1991 35th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by V.M.Piguzov
- 1991 — 1992 36th Soviet Antarctic Expedition — led by Lev Savatyugin
- 1996 Lake Vostok discovered
- 2004 – 2005 Tangra 2004/05 created Camp Academia.
- 2004 – 2005 AGASEA/BBAS joint U.S.-U.K. aerogeophysical survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment.
- 2005 Ice Challenger Expedition travelled to the South Pole in a six-wheeled vehicle.[1]
- 2005 – 2006 Spanish Trans-Antarctic Expedition, led by Ramon Larramendi, reached the Southern Pole of Inaccessibility using kite-sleds.[2]
- 2007 – 2008 Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica.[3]
- 2008 – 2009 Impossible 2 Possible (i2P) unsupported South Pole quest by Ray Zahab, Kevin Vallely and Richard Weber.
Hey Truthseeker, you getting email alerts? Any proof of your claim? I can see I am wasting my time here because you guys make outlandish comments then disappear.
Hey Truthseeker, it is NOT possible to see a boat with a telescope for hundreds of nautical miles while standing on the shore line. If it were someone would have already posted a video of it on YouTube. Can you prove what you are claiming or provide a link that does?
A sphere is circular. Remember, there is no such thing as a circle. A two-dimensional circle does not exist in our three-dimensions. When we use a pencil to draw a circle on a piece of paper, the only reason we can see it at all is because, as tiny as it may be, the lead has height and the paper itself has height. For instance, what we Americans refer to as a 8″ x 11″ sheet of papers is really 8.5″ x 11″ x .004″. (Or, 216mm x 279.4mm x .01mm.) The thicker the paper (or weight) this higher the last number. Therefore, if Yahweh drew a circle, it was three-dimensional. A sphere is a three-dimensional circle.
I wonder what the scripture in Isaiah 40 verse 22 talks about the Circle of the Earth meaning to me a round earth
Roy, I explain the proper context of Isaiah 40:22 on the Biblical Proofs Of The Globe Earth page.
Furthermore, don’t take my word for it. I certainly cannot overrule Scripture. The only possibility is that your interpretation of Scripture is incorrect. I can only assume you are capable of reason and logical thinking. If Earth was flat, it would be extremely easy to make a map of it. Answer one simple question… Why is there no accurate map of the flat Earth?
New Challenge! If you can’t show us a map, just give a believable reason as to why not.
Hey Pierre,
Your evidence is very weak. If the Earth is flat, please show us a map. You don’t have to include Antarctica. Just a simple map from the N. Pole to the tips of S. America and Africa, including Australia. You won’t be able to do it and there is a reason… the Earth is not flat.
It seem you didn’t see the Werner Von Braun grave. The Psalms 19:1 is wrote on it.
Here is the Psalms 19:1
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament (raqiya in Hebrew) sheweth his handywork.
Raqiya = masculine noun
Root Word (Etymology)
From רָקַע (H7554)
KJV Translation Count — Total: 17x
The KJV translates Strong’s H7549 in the following manner: firmament (17x).
1. extended surface (solid), expanse, firmament
1. expanse (flat as base, support)
2. firmament (of vault of heaven supporting waters above)
1. considered by Hebrews as solid and supporting ‘waters’ above
Strong’s Definitions
רָקִיעַ râqîyaʻ, raw-kee’-ah; from H7554; properly, an expanse, i.e. the firmament or visible arch of the sky:—firmament.
Werner Von Braun was a aerospace engineer and space architect; who loved that the heavens declare the glory of our Creator. It is not a proof that the earth is flat, just another example of how flat earthers manipulate everything to try to reinforce their theory.
You added in your explanation to the Strong’s definition, to make it seem like it’s pointing to a flat earth; when it is really just pointing to the expanse of space.
raqiya` raw-kee’-ah from 7554; properly, an expanse, i.e. the firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky:—firmament.
If you’ve ever flown in a plane it’s very clear to see and for those that can’t get into the sky go to the ocean take binoculars with you and watch a boat you’d only disappears from your eyesight it doesn’t go over a curve it’s just your eyes can’t see that far but if you keep using a more high-powered telescope you will continue to see the boat travel for hundreds and hundreds of nautical miles with no curvature
All you have to do is enter the altitude of the plane into the earth-curvature formula, and it tells you that the horizon line appears hundreds of miles away; so of course you would be able to see a boat that is hundreds of miles away. At an altitude of 35,000 feet, the horizon line appears at 229 miles. Your statement proves nothing.
1915 : Wireless Telephony Now From Washington to Honolulu
The beginning of this article:
The most wonderful feat in wireless telephony was accomplished on the night of Sept. 29 last, when the human voice was projected through the ether from Washington, D. C., to Honolulu, a distance of 4,900 miles!
The Electrical Experimenter, November, 1915, page 321:
So this mean that a wireless radiotelephonic communication was done throught a wall of about 3325 miles of height (WITHOUT SATELLITE in 1915) what is IMPOSSIBLE if the earth is a globe.
Genesis 1 KJV:
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament (raqiya en Hebrew) in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
raqiya 7549 (Hebrew)
Raqiya = masculine noun
Root Word (Etymology)
From רָקַע (H7554)
KJV Translation Count — Total: 17x
The KJV translates Strong’s H7549 in the following manner: firmament (17x).
1. extended surface (solid), expanse, firmament
1. expanse (flat as base, support)
2. firmament (of vault of heaven supporting waters above)
1. considered by Hebrews as solid and supporting ‘waters’ above
Strong’s Definitions
רָקִיעַ râqîyaʻ, raw-kee’-ah; from H7554; properly, an expanse, i.e. the firmament or visible arch of the sky:—firmament.
The Bible says the truth
You are totally wrong there are so many things that point to a flat earth that it being flat is the only thing that makes sense
Kenneth, you obviously ignored all of the explanations on the home page, which prove that the earth is not flat. Geocentric maybe, but not flat.
Agreed. Above all, the one thing they should be able to do, but can’t, is produce an accurate map. I really do believe this is their Achilles heel; and the beauty of it is it does not require science, religion, or curvature tests. I am not sure how much longer I can continue my involvement in this matter, but, even if you never hear from me again, please don’t let them continue to get away with the excuse that they don’t have an accurate map because of lies and deception. This excuse is no longer acceptable (and never was in my opinion). If Earth is flat, they should have no problem making a map all the way to the alleged ice wall, or at least all the way down to the tip of S. America.
More importantly, just think about that excuse for a moment… They are ADMITTING that THEY don’t have an accurate map because THEY are the ones who have been lied to and deceived. It is THEY who don’t know what a flat earth really looks like. It is THEY who are trying to convince us to accept a model of the earth that THEY can’t show us. We believe the data, THEY do not. Therefore, the burden of proof is on them.
I say, “SHOW US THE MAP… OR CLOSE YOUR FLAP!” The challenge still stands.
(Maybe we should both depart this matter, shake the dust off our feet, and move on to saving the souls of those who WANT to hear and receive the truth.)
Grace and Peace,
Agreed T.J.! The burden of proof is on them, not us. We have a map, they don’t. We have geodesic measurements of the earth, they don’t.
I don’t spend too much time on this topic, as I have other priorities. But I do like that 300 people a day are visiting this website, because it’s getting ranked in search engines, and I pray that some people are finding the truth.
And I love being able to think up logical proofs that the earth is not flat.
Grace and peace to you,
if people wanna believe the earth is flat let them….who are you to tell them to close their flap you little bitch…people like u are cottonelle soft and need your teeth punched to the back of your throat…now shut your mouth spermburper.
Nice mouth Chris Chunt! Is the earth really flat in Alberta?
I thought about it. Let’s begin with the flat earth model and let’s go West as we begin our journey. As we go along, we would constantly be turning to the right. The sun will always be to our right, passing us by each day, no matter what time of year. It does not matter what time of year we take this journey because the bottom line is, and flat earthers should agree, that the sun will ALWAYS be to our right. This is what THEIR most accurate map suggests.
Now, let’s go the same westward direction on a globe. It is obvious that we would constantly be turning left. This is where it gets interesting. If our journey is during the southern hemisphere’s summer months, on or close to the summer solstice on Dec. 21, the sun would appear to move back and forth. As it appears to pass us up, it’s position would begin at sunrise to our left, move overhead and to the right during the day, then back to a position on our left at sunset. In fact, it would probably not not get completely dark depending on just how far south our line of travel is. During the winter months, specifically near and on the winter solstice on June 20, we wouldn’t be able to see the sun at all.
We already know flat earthers’ explanation about the midnight sun and the months of constant darkness at the poles is not logical. But, I am focusing solely on the right turn vs left turn issue. It can’t be both ways. I have concluded that flat earthers would have us believe that we are so blinded that we don’t even know our left from our right.
That’s interesting T.J.! But flat earthers are the masters of making up excuses for every point. They dismiss Antarctica tours with pictures and videos, sailors who circumnavigate around the continent, proof that the white ring is the inverted and distorted continent of Antarctica on the north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection, etc.; all the while they don’t have one picture of the edge of the earth where the dome meets it.