Flat Earthers In Christ Facebook Meme About Half Moon

This Flat Earth Deception post features a Facebook post about the half moon being created by a globe earth.

On the Flat Earthers in Christ Facebook group, someone posted this meme about a half moon, saying that a globe Earth couldn’t cause the straight line shadow.

On the Flat Earthers in Christ Facebook group, someone posted this meme, which implies that the globe Earth is causing a straight line on the half moon, as it's eclipsing the other half.

No globe earth person that I know of is teaching that the Earth is causing the half moon, by eclipsing the other half of it.

A globe Earth does cause the curved shadows on the moon during a lunar eclipse.

A globe Earth causes the curved shadows on the moon during a lunar eclipse

I fully understand why so many people are deceived by the flat earth deception; because many of them are not scientific, not logical, and don’t seem to have much discernment.

They seem to blindly trust and proclaim any explanation that supposedly proves that the Earth is flat.  And sadly, the enemy is causing many explanations to be made, to carry out their deception.

The sad irony is that flat earthers have no way to explain how it changes it’s illumination from a dark moon to a full moon, over the course of 15 days; as they proclaim that the sun does not illuminate the moon, and that it is self-illuminated.

They ignore the obvious, that the position of the moon to the sun, in the sky above the Earth, determines how much of the illuminated side of the moon that we can see.

Flat earthers cannot explain how the moon changes its illumination so that we see crescent moons and half moons.

Read The Moon Proves The Flat Earth Deception






