This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.
This page shows shows that the Sun proves the globe earth, not the flat earth.
Questions for flat earthers: What is the scientific explanation for how the sun moves from the smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer, to the much larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn? And what is the scientific explanation for how the sun increases and decreases its speed, to complete one revolution around the flat earth each day?
Please comment on the bottom of this page with your answer. Thank you!
In order for the sun to circle the flat earth in 24 hours, it would have to increase and decrease its speed.
Note: the numbers for the tropics are based on the supposed flat earth map, not on the globe. The supposed flat earth map is distorted, as it’s a north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe earth. So though the Tropics on the globe earth have a circumference of 22,847 miles, on the flat earth map they are distorted. Using the equator as a baseline at 24,901 miles in circumference; the numbers of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 miles) and the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 miles) are based on the geometry of the azimuthal projection; not the actual globe.
When the sun is circling the Equator on the Equinoxes, it would be traveling at 1,037 MPH.
This means that it would only take 2 hours and 35 minutes to span the United States; but we can see the sun overhead for much longer than that; and we can see the sun take 12 hours to cross the sky from sunrise to sunset.
This sunset video proves that the earth is not flat.
The height of the Observatory in the freedom tower in New York is 1268 ft above ground level. As the Sun began to disappear behind the horizon the rays of light were angled slightly upwards into the building. This would never occur on a Flat Earth with a Sun circling above.
This Illustration for the post “day-night-area” proves that the sun can’t work properly on the flat earth model.
In the summer time at Scott Base in Antarctica, the sun is above the horizon for 4 months, from roughly the end of the third week of October until the end of the third week of February. This shows the movement of the sun over a full 24 hour period near the peak of summer.
It’s not possible to see the sun 360 degrees through the day, from any point on the supposed flat earth ice wall.
The sun on the flat earth would have to be travelling at 1,040 MPH when it’s over the equator; which means that it travel over the state of Colorado in 22 minutes.
That means that if we’re viewing the sun from Denver at 11 minutes before solar noon; then we would have to look out to the Eastern sky, towards the Eastern border of the state, to see the sun. And then at solar noon the sun would be overhead. And then 11 minutes after solar noon, we would have to look to the Western sky, to the Western border, to see the sun.
But that is clearly not what we see, as we see the distant sun directly overhead during those 22 minutes; and would hardly discern that it’s moved.
The observable reality is that the size of the Sun does not change as it sets.
This contradicts what would occur on a Flat Earth if the Sun was moving further away. Perspective will result in objects appearing smaller as they move further away from you. The Sun should get smaller if the Earth was flat. In reality it does not.
The Sun is clearly not moving above a Flat Earth.
Any Flat Earth Channel that shows you an unfiltered Sun appearing to shrink is either being naive or deliberately dishonest.
Flat earthers misrepresent the size of the sun, to proclaim that it gets smaller as it sets.
Another sunset with and without the Solar Filter. The clips were processed at 30, 15 and 10 frames per second.
This video shows how the size of the sun in the hazy sky changes as the camera automatically adjusts.
The predictive power of Globe Geometry
This video demonstrates the degree of accuracy that tools such as Google Earth and Suncalc display.
The predictive power of Globe Math and Geometry always matches perfectly to results in the real world. The Flat Earth Society has nothing even close.
The path of the 08/21/17 solar eclipse across the United States, is impossible on the flat earth model.
We can clearly see that the path of the eclipse across the United States, cannot match up with the circular path of the flat earth sun.
Here’s the scientific explanation of how a solar eclipse occurs on the globe earth.
There is no scientific explanation for the solar eclipse on the flat earth model.
Like the moon, the sun does not work on the flat earth model either.
The sun cannot rise due east and set due west on the flat earth model, on the day of Equilux.
The sun circles over the Equator on the Spring and Fall Equinoxes. The day of Equilux is the day on which there is 12 hours of daytime and 12 hours of nighttime. On the day of Equilux, the sun rises due east and sets due west.
This simply is not possible on the flat earth model, as the sun would be much further north at those times.
Total solar eclipses cannot be explained on the flat earth model.
The pattern of the upcoming total solar eclipse on 08/21/17 can be explained with the globe Earth, but not on the supposed flat earth model. Given that the sun and moon supposedly travel in a circular orbit 3,000 miles above the flat earth, how would the sun be eclipsed?
The pattern of the upcoming total solar eclipse on 04/08/24 can be explained with the globe Earth, but not on the supposed flat earth model. Note how the path of the eclipse is opposite of the previous one.
Proof that the size of the sun does not change.
Nikon P900 with Orion Solar Filter – seeing the true size of the Sun correctly.
Flat Earth Sun Graphic Invalidates Flat Earth Theory
Click on the image to see an animated graphic, which shows how the flat earth sun would appear.
Flat Earth perspective expectation vs reality – The size of the Sun.
This graphic of the sun and moon rotating above the flat earth looks cool, but this is not what we see when you look at the sun and the moon.
Let’s look at the location the sun from the east coast of the United States of America.
In the morning, when the sun is lighting up the east coast, the sun is not due East, but rather it is about 20 degrees North.
At noon, the sun is now directly South. And then at sunset, the sun is not due West, but rather it is about 20 degrees North.
Is that really what we witness? Do we see the sun rise in the Northeast, then move to due South position, and then move to the Northwest by sunset? No!
Let’s look at the location of the moon at sunset to see the relationship.
During the new moon phase, the moon is close to the sun in the western sky at sunset, and we don’t see any light on the moon.
Each day the moon ends up 12.2 degrees further away from the sun.
7 days after the dark conjunction, we see the 1/2 moon directly overhead at sunset.
14 days later the full moon is across the sky from the sunset, 180 degrees away from it.
The flat earth model has no way to show how the sun and moon move so closely together during the dark conjunction phase.
If they are on the same circular path as shown in the flat earth image, they would run into each other.
If they are on separate paths, where is that explanation on this supposed flat earth map?
In this example the sun cannot rise in the Southeast horizon of Sydney during winter, as on the flat earth map it is in the Tropic of Capricorn, which is North of Sydney.
In this example the sun cannot rise in due east of Sydney during spring and fall, as on the flat earth map it is at the Equator, which is North of Sydney.
In this example the sun cannot rise and set at the proper points, as on the flat earth map it is in the Tropic of Cancer, which is far North of Sydney.
It is impossible that a Sun that is 3,000 miles above the flat earth would disappear at the horizon point, and then 90 minutes later, it would have no influence over the land.
That is only possible on a curved earth where the rays of the Sun are blocked out.
Astronomers define the three stages of twilight – civil (less than 6 degrees below the horizon), nautical (between 6 degrees and 12 degrees below the horizon), and astronomical (between 12 degrees and 18 degrees below the horizon) – on the basis of the Sun’s elevation which is the angle that the geometric center of the Sun makes with the horizon.
On flat earth Sun would become smaller based on perspective.
But the sun is far away, and does not become smaller.
How can it be daylight in California at 10pm eastern time? If the Sun is 3,000 miles above us, on the flat earth, it would still illuminate the east coast.
Psalms 104:22 The sun arises – they withdraw And lie down in their dens.
Scripture does not say that the Sun will go across the earth, it says it will rise and go down. It can only go down on a globe earth, not a flat earth.
An airplane flying at the same altitude across the sky does not rise or fall, it simply goes from one horizon point over us in a straight line to the end horizon point.
The Sun does not act this way. It clearly rises and sets. It is not going away and getting smaller like the Jet. It stays the same size.
Take picture of sun rising, sun overhead and sun setting, using single focal point camera.
Bible verse say that the sun goes down, not away.
90 minutes after the sun goes over the horizon, it can not be dark on a flat earth.
Flat earth proponents say that the Sun is 3,000 miles above the earth. If that is true, then it is impossible for the Sun to move far enough away during the next 90 minutes for it to be dark.
90 minutes after the sun goes down on the globe earth, the rays are hidden behind the earth, so that it is dark.
Civil twilight occurs when the Sun is less than 6 degrees below the horizon. In the morning, civil twilight begins when the Sun is 6 degrees below the horizon and ends at sunrise. In the evening, it begins at sunset and ends when the Sun reaches 6 degrees below the horizon.
Civil dawn is the moment when the geometric center of the Sun is 6 degrees below the horizon in the morning.
Civil dusk is the moment when the geometrical center of the Sun is 6 degrees below the horizon in the evening.
Astronomical twilight occurs when the Sun is between 12 degrees and 18 degrees below the horizon.
Astronomical dawn is the time when the geometric center of the Sun is at 18 degrees below the horizon. Before this time, the sky is absolutely dark.
Astronomical dusk is the instant when the geographical center of the Sun is at 18 degrees below the horizon. After this point, the sky is no longer illuminated.
A completely dark sky is impossible 90 minutes after the sun disappears over the horizon, on the flat earth model!
The Sun’s changing 90 degree angle proves the globe earth
On December 21st at noon, the sun will be at 90 degrees above the horizon at spot along 23.44 degrees south of the equator or along the line known as the Tropic of Capricorn. This is as far south as that 90 degree position of the sun, at noon, ever goes.
At that point, the sun’s 90 degree mark of solar noon will move north and continue doing so until June 21st. On March 20th, it will cross the equator and on June 21st it will mark its furthest north point along the Tropic of Cancer which is 23.44 degrees north of the equator.
These 90 degree marks are only possible on a globe.
These geographical variations in the sun’s angle above the horizon also account for the major geographical variations in earth’s climates. The arctic and antarctic regions are almost always cold—even in the summer when they get 24 hours of sunlight a day—because the sun’s angle above the horizon is never very high. And the tropics are almost always warm—even though they never get much more than 12 hours of sunlight in a day—because the mid-day sun is always so high in the sky.
The intermediate latitudes, which generally have hot summers and cool or cold winters, are called the temperate zones. The north temperate zone lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle, while the south temperate zone (where the seasons are reversed) lies between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle.
Goofy flat earth explanations about the Sun:
The Sun is like a spotlight
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, First Part of the Second Part, Question 54: The distinction of habits, Article 2, Reply to objection 2. And in First Part, Question 67, Thomas made it clear that he knew the shape of the earth, because he used the word hemisphere, meaning half of a sphere: “Yet as soon as the sun is at the horizon, the whole hemisphere is illuminated from end to end. … Secondly, as to place, for in one hemisphere there was light, in the other darkness. Thirdly, as to time; because there was light for one and darkness for another in the same hemisphere; and this is signified by the words, “He called the light day, and the darkness night.”
Flat-earthers proclaim that the Sun is not millions of miles away, which may be true. They use images like this to supposedly prove it.
The base of the triangle is only a few miles wide, and the other sides are shorter, so that means that the Sun is only a few miles above the Earth, which in turn seem preposterous.
This photo is obviously photoshopped to create a supposed hot spot from the Sun. If that was true, fires would be started all around the world.
When the sun is circling the Equator on the Equinoxes, it would be traveling at 1,037 MPH.
This means that it would only take 2 hours and 35 minutes to span the United States; but we can see the sun overhead for much longer than that; and we can see the sun take 12 hours to cross the sky from sunrise to sunset.
Sooo, you say a lot of “this would never happen on the flat earth”, WITHOUT ANY explanation as to why you think that. One thing I see is you say when the sun setting and you see light angled up, that would never happen on a flat earth. How and why do you think that. Cause it’s just laughable, so unlogical. Also, I want to point out, this isn’t a flat earth map. That’s a flat earth society map, and aviation map. Flat earth society was started by an ilumanti military scientist after he burned down the scientists of the Flat earth research group, a husband and wife who were convincinga lot of people the earth is flat, with their proof, including a map of earth, a map that was more akin to a Mobius strip. Also. God forbid you look at any inconsistencies with the globe earth. You know how you check your work in math? Work backwards. You get the same answer. You wanna know what math that never applied to, is anything globe related. Hmm. Also, I became a flat earther because someone tried to tell me it was and I went online to try to prove them wrong. Only found inconsistencies and lies with the receiving Nazi NASA. All the challenger ppl are alive btw. But anyways, one thing no one can ever really answer is why do we see our constitaltions, moving in a consistent perfect circle, every night in the same places they moved for centuries, but you’ll say it’s perspective, and that we are too away, but do you see how illogical that it. Same stars in the same spots every night, moving in the same spots everynight, with onE, ONE, NEVER moving, for THOUSANDS of years, but you think we are spinning, while rotating, while spinning, while spinning, while again spinning, then hurling, through the universe. If you can’t see the logic, that you would not see the stars as we do know, you are possible just hopeless. But hey, use the real flat earth map not this one! Then we can talk. Cause no honey, that’s not the shape of the world, and that’s not a true flat earrhers map, which is. Why shit doesn’t work on it, but hey! Continue to ignore all the obvious lies about the glove that doesn’t make sense. A little advice, reaserch needs to include reaserch in the PRO AND CON of BOTH sides. Not the pro of your pro and cons of your con. So, if you actually want to know about the true flat earth, check out DAZNEZ YouTube. Darren nesbit. There’s a flat earth debate with physicists. It’s really good and they BOTH stump each other with questions. Also remember this when you ask for “what your scientific explanation”, if the majority of scientists in power and money positions are guided by the disinfo of globe, then HOW do you think the people who are smart enough to see through the ilogical globe lies,HOW could we possible be able to proper scientific resaerch? But then why do we think we are so right? Because nothing on the globe makes sense, and that’s how I learned the earth was flat, nothing about the globe made sense.
Watch all his videos.
A logical person understands exactly what I was saying, but the simple-minded ones can’t comprehend it. The sun and moon stay the same size all the way across the sky, which is impossible if the earth is flat. It’s not rocket science!
I’m aware that NASA is an agency with an evil agenda, which is directed by Nazi’s. And I’m aware of the Challenger faux event. You don’t see me use NASA to prove anything on this website.
You obviously didn’t even read the first few paragraphs of the home page, which declare that heliocentrism is a deception from the enemy. It declares that the earth is geocentric, not spinning, and not flying through space.
You proclaim that you’re smarter than me, but your explanations prove that’s wrong.
You say that the Earth is Geocentric. Which I believe but that’s not what we we are taught.
We are taught that the earth is spinning over 1,000 miles at 23.4 tilt which we know it isn’t. So if that is wrong why is the flat earth belief a bad thing.It’s hard to prove I know. Just think about airplanes flying & landing on a Globe. That would mean being upside down in Australia.Hard to wrap my head around that? I believe FE proves Elohim’s made us on this earth specifically & not this huge Galaxy that they are trying to pass off. I do like your Revelation part of this website!
Thank you for your comment Pierre! The flat earth is a bad thing because Scripture does not describe a flat earth, so people are giving the Bible a bad reputation. And the flat earth theory effectively serves to hide the real truth, that of the geocentric globe earth.
The exacting fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation prove that the God of the Bible is the one true God, yet most people, including flat-earthers, are believing the enemy’s false, futuristic explanations. Keep learning and growing in The Way!
I was beginning to believe the fe stuff until thankfully i found this page, i have only 2 questions. If the geocentric globe sun is moving around the stationary globe earth, why is it that we sometimes see the sun below or even infront of the clouds and sometimes not, could the sun be moving in and out of the clouds while on its circuit? I see the first section of your website states the sun to be moving and the earth geocentric however some of your videos support the heiocentric view. In one of your diagrams it showed the sun orbiting the globe earth from a far, but the other one said that the sun changes to the other hemisphere according to the season, so which one is it?
You’ve asking these same basic questions twice before, and I have replied twice. Try looking on the Flat Earth Deception home page where your first comment and my reply was posted.
I was actually starting to believe the flat earth stuff, thankfully I found this page. I have 2 questions, if the geocentric globe sun is moving around the stationary globe, is it moving underneath the clouds or above? As we all know we have seen photos of the sun below the clouds and even infront, but in one of your models it showed a sun rotating round the globe earth from afar. Also does the sun change course in summer and winter? Which would explain the seasons.
Thank you for your comment Simon. Though the sun can appear to be in front of clouds, that’s an illusion, as the sun shines so bright that less dense clouds can seem to disappear in front of it. The sun can appear below clouds in the early morning or the late evening, as it moves around the globe earth. You can find more detailed explanations about the seasons on the geocentric earth on Robert Sungenis’s website.
this site its pure bullshit
Wow, a flat-earther who only knows how to make statements. Shocking! Why didn’t you prove my explanations wrong?
I couldn’t finish reading this page of The Sun Proves The Flat Earth Deception because the way it is explained is abut perception. This webpage is as bad as every one else, because it’s all based off of this guy’s opinions of how far 400 miles he think should look. I have a question for the globalists, how does water stick to the curveature of the globe? Has anyone ever dunked a basketball into a bucket of water and immediately spun it in front of your face? If you haven’t try it and then explain to me how the model of how the earth works
The explanations are based on our observation. The point is valid. If I’m in Denver, does the sun appear to travel from the eastern sky to the western sky in 20 minutes? No, it’s movement is hardly noticeable.
Please, provide evidence that the explanations on this page are wrong. Otherwise, you’re just voicing a biased opinion.
So you really think that a basketball duplicates the physics of the design of the earth? Wow! Okay! I understand why you believe that the earth is flat.
Besides that, I clearly state on the home page that I believe that the globe earth is geocentric, at the center of the universe, not spinning and not flying through space.
Regarding your question about how water sticks to the globe: gravity.
Regarding the water sticking to a basketball: you can’t compare the globe to a basketball. First, a basketball does not have the size and mass of the globe, which results in not having the gravity earth has. Second, the basketball is on the surface of earth, which means the little gravity it could have is completely overshadowed by the gravity of earth.
Thank you for sharing your insight Alberto! It’s amazing to watch flat earthers pour water on a basketball, and proclaim that the water doesn’t stick to it; so they conclude that it can’t stick to the globe earth either. They ignore the laws of physics which apply to the globe earth, and not to a basketball. It’s sad to watch!
I find it very telling that when I challenge anyone to provide an accurate map of a flat earth, we never hear from them again. CHALLENGE STILL STANDS!
Well TJ, until flat earthers travel the earth and measure it, they can’t make a map. And if they actually did that, they would find out that it’s a globe.
>>>Here’s the scientific explanation of how a solar eclipse occurs on the globe earth.<<<
. second photo
. who has relocated Sun for you to be able explain eclipse in USA
The Sun appears same size as Moon because distance, why you have relocated Sun some five times bigger as Moon to be able explain eclipse!!!!
The graphic is not to scale, it’s just showing that the moon blocks out the sun (which appears to us as the same size as the moon), so that people who are in the shadow path of the eclipse cannot see the sun.