Photos Prove The Flat Earth Deception

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

This page discusses photos in regard to the flat earth deception, and the globe earth proof.

It’s been established that much of what NASA publishes is CGI to provide clear images; and there is much controversy about the lunar landing, the Challenger space shuttle accident, etc.; so this website does not cite NASA.

To be fair, the same is true of images that are provided by flat earthers, who are biased and have an agenda.  So we will rely on third-parties, who have no agenda in regard to the flat earth debate, but only love astronomy.

We know that NASA was created by PSYOP specialists, mind-control people.  We know that they did not land on the moon, and that the video and photos were faked.

But that in itself does not prove the flat earth.

Flat earthers continually post images on Facebook that are not wide enough to prove that the earth is flat.  They are 1-2 miles wide, which is not going to show a perceivable curve.

Where are the pictures from high above the earth, that prove that the earth looks like the flat earth map?

Where are the pictures of the supposed glass dome?

Where are the pictures of the edge of the flat earth?

Please show me photos that prove these things; and then I will comment about them. 

Until then it’s just a theory.

The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.

This video was recorded by the camera with the 1000nm infrared filter and a 7.2mm lens. The comparison video was shot with a camera placed next to it in the capsule. That camera had a 5.4mm lens. The infrared camera has a tighter shot than the comparison camera.

The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.

These still shots from the video show the curvature.

The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.

They use photos that seem like the horizon is straight, but if you simply put a straight line across them, you see the curvature.

On this photo over the U.K., the white line is level with the horizon in the middle left, and there is obvious curvature on both the left and right side.

On this photo over the U.K., the white line is level with the horizon in the middle left, and there is obvious curvature on both the left and right side of the horizon.

On this one the red line is level with the horizon to the right of the airplane support beam, and the left and right side of the horizon curved down.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth

On this one the red line is even with the horizon on the left and right sides, and the earth is raised up in the middle, proving that the earth is curved.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth 2

On this one the red line is level on the left side and on the right side the horizon drops down.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth 3

Flat Earthers pictures confirmed the curvature formula!

Below are pictures which give the altitude of the airplane, so that we can plug that number into the curvature formula, to determine the horizon line; to see if it matches up with the picture.

These pictures were taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet.  The curvature formula says that the horizon line is 324 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.

This picture was taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet. It is facing through the windshield, to eliminate the curve created by curved glass on the side of the plane.

From 70,000 feet, if the Earth were flat, we should be able to see much, much further.

These pictures were taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet.

This picture was taken on a Gulfstream jet at 45,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 260 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.  On a flat earth, we should be able to see much further at 45,000 feet (8.5 miles) up.

This picture was taken on a Gulfstream jet at 45,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 260 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 40,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 245 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 40,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 245 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 30,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 212 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 750 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 33.54 miles, which looking at the horizon, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 750 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 33.54 miles, which looking at the horizon, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

Here is the only picture ever taken of Concorde flying at Mach 2 (1,350 mph). Taken from an RAF Tornado fighter jet, which only rendezvoused with Concorde for 4 minutes over the Irish Sea: The Tornado was rapidly running out of fuel, struggling to keep up with Concorde at Mach 2. Notice that the plane is straight, which proves that a fish-eye lens is not distorting the picture.

Flat earthers proclaim that the plane is curved, so they proclaim that a fish-eye lens was used (which is their standard response about any photo which shows the curve); so I added a straight line below the line of windows, so that you can see that it’s straight.

Concorde Jet proves curved earth

Below is a photo by Captain Mike Bannister showing the curvature of the earth as seen from a Concorde flight.

Concorde Jet proves curved earth

Return to the Flat Earth Deception home page.












100 thoughts on “Photos Prove The Flat Earth Deception”

  1. The plane while stationary is traveling 1,000 miles an our(and before anyone says we would fly off or we can’t feel it. . .it’s because everything we build the moment we form in our mothers wombs we are traveling that speed. You feel acceleration, once you reach speed you no longer feel it.) So it’s flying slightly faster than the Earths rotational speed. We travel through the solar system at the same speed as our planet, just like we do in our vehicles, only difference is our cars accelerate to get up to speed, the planet is already at speed.

    Global believers not supporting the bible is meaningless. How many holy books do you Christian flat Earthers support? Is that something to think about? No it’s meaningless to think about.

  2. If earth is spinning at 1,000 mph, how can plane flying at 300-500 mph in same direction of the spinning of earth ever reach its destination? Logically, the plane will never make it to the destination, it’s like cat chasing its own tail and fall off the table. If the earth is flat and round like frying pan, does it still provide curvature? If earth is flat and square like baking pan, it will not appear curved.

    • If you read the home page, you see that I don’t think that it’s spinning, as I think that the globe earth is geocentric.

  3. I’m one of those people that do believe in a globe earth (shocker I know) but I did see a couple things the FE people did that made me stop and wonder. Wonder as in with a globe earth a given and their tests being on the up & up then how DID they get the results they got. Those being the Bedford Level and the modern lake laser tests. From what I can find on the matter the curvature equation should have negated the result but yet a laser is shown from about water level on one shore and x distance away the laser hits where it shouldn’t with the curvature drop. Again..not a FEer here but just as a science experiment it made me think how. If you can explain I’d appreciate it so I can stop my digging.

    • Well Chris, since I wasn’t there when they conducted the Bedford Level experiment, and since I can’t recreate it, I won’t venture to guess as to why the result came out that way.

      What I can see every day is that the sun and moon can’t work properly on the flat earth model, which I have demonstrated on The Flat Earth Deception home page, and on The Sun Proves The Flat Earth Deception page and on the The Moon Proves The Flat Earth Deception page.

      And for me, the simple, logical, provable explanations on this website; are enough for me to conclude that the earth is curved, not flat.

      I believe that the real deception of the enemy is that they have hidden that the earth is geocentric, which is the position that hardly anyone is talking about.

    • Have you reached a verdict on flat earth or still global believer? I watched “Convex Earth The Documentary” on youtube. Very thorough, quite convincing the earth is flat. But these photos here are not convincing that earth is flat. So…why do you think that is? We can’t have two separate evidences to justify the truth. So does the bible that talks about FIRMAMENT is a big hoax? It appears that global believers are not supporting the bible, the flat earthers are. Something to think about.

  4. The picture from Captain Mike Bannister?????? The PLANE is curved!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂. Some of the photos looked doctored and others are clearly taken with fish eye lense or through a curved window. This is Definitely a silly ass thing to dispute anyway. Most people where given 5 senses in which to maneuver this planet. I don’t care either way but in a debate with physical evidence that I can touch and see the FLATEARTHERS are winning.

    P.S. Globetrotters try use the “well why don’t we fall of the edge of the earth”????? In response “well what keeps you from falling off the ball earth?” The notion of sticking to a ball is even harder to believe than standing on a somewhat flat surface. And don’t say Gravity cause that’s a crock of caca! Ezdoezitmost…I’m out!

    • Captain Mike Bannister took the picture from the cockpit, facing forward. The RAF jet took the side picture of the Concorde. I added a straight red line to the image, below the line of windows, so that you can see that the jet is not curved.

      here’s a link to the image with the red line overlay

      Some of the photos look doctored? Like the flat earther plane photos that I added a red line to, in order to show the curve? 😛

      And yes, you’ve proven that it’s silly to debate it.

      Flatearthers are winning? LOL! Umm, okay.

      You say you don’t care either way, but you cared enough to post your defense of the flat earth and mock globetrotters.

      • I am seeing different curvatures from all these photos, diameter of earth is not consistent. One with concorde appears distorted using fish-eye lens.

  5. aa. good.. jus place a coin 1 km far away… and click a photo and post it saying earth is curved.. if it was flat we would be to see that coin.. 🙂

  6. Oh, *I* did not need proof to be convinced, but some of the Flat Earthers’ arguments, while intuitively nonsense, are not so easily dispelled in a few concise words. Your site saved me hours of tedious argumenting. Not that it had much effect, mind you, because those whose mind is made up on the topic are indeed quite closed to anything else. The one who blocked me is Ricu Birucu, who you may have heard of. He is quite fond of saying that all who disagree with him are stupid.

    • I make simply points in a meme, which prove that the earth isn’t flat; but FE’s just can’t see it. It’s sad to watch. I have not heard of Ricu. Other than this website, I don’t really post much about the FE theory, because it’s a waste of my time.

  7. Thank for setting up this site, though I fear it is quite wasted on the Flat Earthers. I just had one of them block me after I used some of your examples to dispel his arguments. Most of them fell into your “goofy” category…

    • Thank you for your comment Sylvain! I wrote the website to document what I found when I did research on whether the earth is flat or not. And I wrote it for people who are seeking the truth about the matter, because some flat earth videos can seem convincing.

      Most flat earthers will reject the proofs on the website, because their minds are so programming to see things one way; and because they can’t admit one thing; otherwise their belief comes crashing down. So I am blessed to know that the website has helped confirm the truth for you! 🙂

    • LOL! Well ‘Flat Earth’, the irony is that some of the pictures on this page are from flat earthers, who submitted them, proclaiming that the earth is flat; but when a straight line is applied to them, we see the curve.

      The Lake Pontchartrain electrical towers prove that water curves over the globe earth.

      Maybe you should go see an eye doctor, because your ‘eyes’ are failing you.

      • Wait, I thought you ballers claimed that the horizon does NOT rise to eye level?!?!?! The photo from the cockpit clearly shows it….oh yeah, and the text they use also describes it as such….

        “On this one the red line is even with the horizon on the left and right sides, and the horizon is RAISED UP in the middle.”


          • Then why does it said the horizon is RAISED up? If you travel in altitude from a ball, the horizon should only fall not raise

          • It’s not saying that the horizon is rising up to your eyes. It’s saying that the horizon is raised up in the middle, proving that the earth is curved. I updated the text to make it clear.

            The point is that flat earthers posted those pictures to proclaim that the earth is flat, but when you simply apply a straight line, you can see the curvature.

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