Nathan Roberts Of Flat Earth Doctrine Is Confronted By Gravity

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Nathan Roberts posted this update on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page.

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Gravity Forms

This is what a paranoid mind looks like. Seriously! It’s just a company whose name is Gravity Forms. They’re not pushing the globe earth. They’re not part of some conspiracy!

The company name is Rocketgenius, Inc.; thus the Gravity name.

The company name is Rocketgenius, Inc.; thus the Gravity name. 

The irony is that flat-earthers say that there is no such thing as gravity, because it’s based on the earth being a globe. So they say that density, buoyancy and electromagnetism, is what causes things to be attracted to the flat earth.

Question for flat earthers: If you put a bucket with 2 gallons of water on one side of a balance, and a bucket with 1 gallon of water on the other side, what will happen? If you think that the 2 gallon bucket will cause the balance to be down on that side, why?

Question for flat earthers: If you put a bucket with 2 gallons of water on one side of a balance, and a bucket with 1 gallon of water on the other side, what will happen? If you think that the 2 gallon bucket will cause the balance to be down on that side, why?

What is accounting for the difference? If you say that it’s the increased mass/volume of the extra gallon of water, what principle accounts for that? Density? No! Buoyancy? No! So what is it? Please comment below.  Thank you!

If you’re a flat earther, have you studied the context of the Bible verses which are being cited to proclaim “the Bible says flat earth”?

The False Doctrine of the Flat Earth book by David Nikao

This book goes through all 240 verses that people like Nathan Roberts cite, to show you the proper context; because if you’re promoting this list, then you’re accountable for the explanations.