Flat Earth Paul Raines Shared An Ironic Meme About The Sun And Moon

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

On 02-13-18, Paul Raines shared this meme on the Facebook group: The FLAT out TRUTH & no BALL face LIES.

Flat earther aul Raines shared this meme on the Facebook group: The FLAT out TRUTH & no BALL face LIES.

Flat earthers proclaim that the globe earth model causes people to dismiss that there is a Creator, and that we evolved on a planet that supported life.

The irony of Paul Raines meme is that it shows the precision of the universe, that the moon is located in the exact location in the 93 million miles between the earth and the sun; to be able to hide the sun, as they appear to be the same size from our perspective on Earth.

There is practically no chance of that happening by accident, so it proves that there is a Creator who designed the universe and made everything fit perfectly.

The sun is the perfect distance from us, to keep Earth in the proper temperature range for humans.

The moon is the perfect distance from us, which helps affect the tides and stir the waters of the Earth.

The angle to the sun during the year creates the seasons, the yearly cycle of the Earth.

The universe testifies to a Creator, people just ignore the witness.

The amazing human body testifies to a Creator, people just ignore the witness.

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