EPIC FAIL! Pilot Tries To Debunk Flat Earth With Picture

This Flat Earth Deception post shows a picture that is supposedly from a pilot, that is supposed the show that the Earth is curved, but it turns out the horizon line is straight.

Let’s be clear.  You can’t trust anyone, as people have an agenda.  The guy narrating the video pretends to not believe in the flat earth, and adds mocking comments from his pilot friend.

His friend takes a picture, which is supposed to prove that the Earth is curved, but using Photoshop, you can see that the horizon line is basically straight.

To me, this just seems like a setup; to make it seem like pilots are covering over that the Earth is flat.

You can’t trust anything when it comes to pictures, YouTube videos, etc.

But we can use this picture to prove that the earth is curved, even though the picture is not wide enough to show the curve.

At 30,000 feet, you should be able to see much further on the flat earth.

Applying the earth curvature formula, at 30,000 feet you should be able to see 212 miles.  And when you look at the still picture, that is about what you see.

EPIC FAIL! Pilot Tries To Debunk Flat Earth With Picture

But if you modify that formula by adding four zeroes onto the planet radius, creating a planet that is so big that the top is basically flat; at 30,000 feet (5.6 miles) in altitude, you should be able to see 21,210 miles.

But you don’t.  You see about 212 miles, which the earth curvature formula calculated that you would see; proving that the Earth is curved!

Here are photos that have been posted by flat earthers, which supposedly show that the horizon line is flat; but when a line is applied in Photoshop, you see that it is curved.

Flatearthers posts pictures from airplanes which seem to have a straight horizon, but when you put a line across the photo, you can see the curvature. In this image you can see the line is level with the horizon at the airplane pillar, and that there is a gap on the left and right side.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth

On this picture the red line is level on the left side, but you can clearly see the gap on the right side.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth 3

On this picture the red line is even on the sides, and you can see the curve of the earth in the center.

Supposed flat earth airplane image

Flatearthers counter by claiming that airplanes have curved glass that distorts the horizon.
Do you really think that airplanes would have glass in the cockpit that distorts the pilots view?
Does the windshield in your car cause the horizon to curve?  No!

Read the home page: Flat Earth Deception


