Search For Truth, Not To Defend A Belief

The False Doctrine of the Flat Earth by David Nikao

If you’re a flat earther, have you studied the context of the Bible verses which are being cited to proclaim “the Bible says flat earth”?

This book goes through all 240 verses that people like Nathan Roberts cite, to show you the proper context; because if you’re promoting this list, then you’re accountable for the explanations.

It gives a fresh perspective about the ‘firmament‘ of Genesis; the ‘circle‘ of Isaiah 40:22; the clay turned to the ‘seal‘ in Job 38:13-14; the ‘pillars‘ of 1 Samuel 2:8; the sun going forth in his ‘circuit‘ of Psalms 19:6; and much more.

If you know someone who believes that the Scriptures describes a domed, flat earth; it will help you understand their rationale in citing these verses.

If you’re a believer who’s researching the flat earth, this book is critical for you.

If you believe in the heliocentric universe, have you read what Moses, Job, David, and Isaiah; declared about the earth, the sun, and the stars? The Bible describes a sun that moves in a circuit, which has been stopped, and has been moved back. And it describes an earth that is fixed. The Bible is purely geocentric, and there is no Scriptural justification for the heliocentric model.

The Bible also describes the lower circular layers which hold back the fountains of the deep; the spherical layers of atmosphere around the globe earth; the constellations on the ecliptic which encircles the globe earth; and the celestial sphere of stars which surround the globe earth as a tent, as a tabernacle.

The enemy is hiding the geocentric globe earth universe with the false narratives of the heliocentric universe and the flat earth model.

Click here to get a PDF copy of THE FALSE DOCTRINE OF THE FLAT EARTH book


The stars in the southern hemisphere prove that the earth is a globe.

On the flat earth model, if people in Australia, South Africa and South America, were all facing South, they would be facing opposite directions, so there’s no way that they can all see Sigma Octantis in the Octans constellation, which does not move. Yet people in those three Southern Hemisphere continents can look south and see stars circling around the south celestial pole.

On the flat earth model, if people in Australia, South Africa and South America, were all facing South, they would be facing opposite directions. Yet people in those three Southern Hemisphere continents can look South and see the South Celestial Pole star, and see the stars circling around it. This proves that the North and South Pole stars are at the top and bottom of the ball of lights, and the other stars are circling the globe Earth.

This proves that the north and south celestial pole stars are at the top and bottom of the celestial sphere, and the other stars are circling the globe Earth.

Flat-earthers proclaim that this is possible because when people are looking south, they’re seeing a reflection off of the glass dome of the stars in the northern hemisphere.

But that is a false explanation, as the stars in the northern hemisphere are different than the stars in the southern hemisphere. Here are the constellations in the northern hemisphere.

northern hemisphere stars

Here are the constellations in the southern hemisphere.

southern hemisphere stars

Question for flat earthers:  What is the scientific explanation for how the sun changes its path, to move from the larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 mile circumference) to the much smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 mile circumference)?

Question for flat earthers:  The winter solstice was on 12/21, so the sun is circling near the Tropic of Capricorn. What is the scientific explanation for how the sun changes its path, to move from the larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 mile circumference) to the much smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 mile circumference)?

And what is the scientific explanation for how the sun changes speed from 1,322 MPH on the larger circle to 771 MPH on the smaller circle, to complete exactly one revolution per day?
Please comment below.  Thank you!

Note: the numbers for the tropics are based on the supposed flat earth map, not on the globe. The supposed flat earth map is distorted, as it’s a north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe earth. So though the Tropics on the globe earth have a circumference of 22,847 miles, on the flat earth map they are distorted. Using the equator as a baseline at 24,901 miles in circumference; the numbers of the Tropic of Cancer (18,504 miles) and the Tropic of Capricorn (32,729 miles) are based on the geometry of the azimuthal projection; not the actual globe.

After a lot of research, I believe that the enemy has created a deception regarding the design of the universe.

The Illuminati card game has a Flat Earth card that says “People laugh, but the flat earthers know something”. What flat earthers know is that the earth isn’t flying through space orbiting the sun.  Astronomers and scientists have not proved that the Earth is moving.

And from our Earthly perspective, the planets and stars appear the same regardless of whether it’s the Copernican heliocentric view or the Tychonic geocentric view.

The deception is that the enemy has caused people to promote the heliocentric view based on philosophy, to not involve a Creator in the explanation of the design of the universe. And that led to the big bang theory, the theory of evolution, etc.; all of which steals glory from our Creator, and deceives people.

It wasn’t until scientific probes produced data about the radiation of the expanding universe, and the orientation of the quasars and radio galaxies; that researches were able to see that all of those things were pointing back to Earth as the center of the universe.

These findings were published in a book titled ‘Geocentrism 101 – An Introduction into the  Science of  Geocentric Cosmology‘ in 2013, and then explained in a movie called The Principle in late 2014.

Then shortly afterward the flat earth theory was aggressively pushed on YouTube and Facebook, to try to cover over the evidence, and to cause people to dismiss anyone who teaches that the Earth is geocentric.

The enemy has created a false dichotomy, so that the debate is between the geocentric flat earth vs. the heliocentric globe earth; so that people don’t consider the third option, that of the geocentric globe earth.

It puts the Earth at the center of the universe, proving a Designer/Creator, and explains why stars perfectly circle the Earth; while maintaining the laws of physics of the globe earth and the surrounding elaborate universe, which is a precision time-piece. Please read the geocentric Earth page, to see the scientific research that proves that we are at the center of the universe.

I’m not declaring that the earth is geocentric, as I can’t prove it scientifically; but when you look at how Bible verses seem to point to a geocentric earth, it’s an option that we need to consider. Read through the website, and you decide.

If you’re a flat-earther, you can decide to click away, thinking that you know the truth; but I would hope that your goal is to find the whole truth, not to defend a position.

People like Nathan Roberts and Rob Skiba point to Bible verses which they proclaim prove that the earth is flat; but the verses are taken out of context, and some of them prove that the earth is a globe.

Please read this Biblical Proofs Of The Geocentric Globe Earth study and decide for yourself.

Why would the enemy create the flat earth deception? Because most flat earthers are sharing truth in other areas, whether it’s about coming out of churchianity, about the Illuminati and their agenda, etc.; so by getting them to believe in the flat earth, they cause family and friends to stop listening to all that they teach.

On this page I will address the major challenges that I’ve found with the flat earth theory, which are explained in more detail on the other pages.

Here’s a video from the Geographic South Pole, looking straight up, which proves that the earth is not flat. 

We can see the perfect circle of stars which is only possible on the globe earth, as no point on the supposed ice ring would show the stars circling overhead.

Here’s a video of a 5-day time-lapse from March 8-13, 2017, taken from the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, which proves that the earth is not flat.

Airplane Video Proves Sun Is Not 3,000 Miles Above The Flat Earth

This observation is impossible on a Flat Earth with a Sun 3000 Miles above.  We can clearly see the Sun on the Horizon from 43,000 ft. The clouds beneath us are illuminated from below but are dark on top.

This geometry is impossible on a Flat Earth.  Of course – it works just fine on a Globe.

The Nikon P900 camera debunks the flat earth.

This video shows one ship that is moored near the horizon line, and the distant ship behind it which is well below the horizon; proving the curvature of the earth.

Some flat earthers commented that you should see the distant ship ’tilting’ if the Earth is curved, but the distance equates to only .23 degrees of tilt, which is not perceivable.

Sorry Flat Earthers The Equinox Geometry does NOT work on a Flat Earth.

The Flat Earth fails to explain the real observations we can make on the Equinox twice per year.


A commercial pilot who is based out of Australia, who makes international flights in the southern hemisphere, shows that flat earthers cannot produce a legitimate pilots flight plan.

The video description says: A message to Flat Earthers. If you can’t show me a map that works and you can’t tell me how to navigate precisely around the real Earth you are wasting your time telling me the Earth is Flat. I can and do navigate precisely around the real Earth and I have been doing this safely for over 30 years using the Globe. Time to start producing real results guys. The same old nonsense arguments won’t cut it here any longer.

Flat earthers misrepresent the size of the sun, to proclaim that it gets smaller as it sets.

Flat earthers misrepresent the size of the sun, proclaiming that it is shrinking

Here’s one of Wolfie6020‘s short videos where he used two cameras to record at the same time, one with a solar filter, one without.

This video shows how the size of the sun in the hazy sky changes as the camera automatically adjusts.

Flat earthers tell us to trust our perspective, but when we do that, we see that the sun and moon do not line up with the flat earth theory.

Flat earthers proclaim that the moon is a flat disc, but that simply cannot be true.

This is so easily disproved, that it’s nonsensical for flat earthers to proclaim it.

Flat earthers proclaim that the moon is a flat disc, but that simply cannot be true.

The shadows on the moon prove that it is being illuminated from an external light source.

The sun obviously illuminates the moon, which is contrary to what flat earthers proclaim

Flat earthers cite Genesis 1:16 and say the the world ‘light‘ means that the moon is self-illuminated.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

The Hebrew word for ‘light’ points to a luminous body. It does not say that it provides its own illumination. ma’owr; properly, a luminous body or luminary, i.e. (abstractly) light (as an element): figuratively, brightness, i.e.cheerfulness; specifically, a chandelier:—bright, light.

Of course they have no way to scientifically explain how the moon illuminates itself, like we do for the Sun. And they cannot explain how the moon changes its illumination so that we see crescent moons and half moons.

It’s impossible for people on the flat earth model to see the same side of the moon.

People in northern and southern hemispheres would see different sides of the flat earth moon

We would see different sides of the moon, on the flat earth model.

The moon can't work properly on the flat earth

The sun and moon do not vanish as a small dot over the horizon; but rather, they rise up from under the horizon and set below the horizon.

On the flat earth, objects that are moving away would simply grow smaller and disappear at the vanishing point, but they would always stay above the horizon. But every day we see the Sun rise up from under the horizon, and set down below the horizon.

The rising moon proves the globe earth, not the flat earth

The setting sun proves the globe earth not the flat earth

It’s impossible for the sun to rise due East and set due West on the Equinox days.

The sun cannot work properly on the flat earth model.

The sun does not rise and set at the proper locations on the flat earth model.

Australia sun rises due East and sets due West on equinox, disproving flat earth theory

The paths of the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses across the United States are impossible to explain on the flat earth model.

There is no scientific explanation for the solar eclipse on the flat earth model, and we can clearly see that the path of the eclipse across the United States, cannot match up with the circular path of the flat earth sun.

Here are the 2017 and 2024 eclipse paths overlaid on what people are calling a flat earth map. There is no way to explain how an eclipsed sun, which is circling south of the United States; could create shadows on the United States that curve in the opposite direction.

How do flat earthers scientifically predict upcoming solar and lunar eclipses? They don’t! There is no scientific data which shows what causes the eclipses (many flat earthers say that the moon doesn’t cause the solar eclipse), and when they will happen.

The Spring and Fall Equinox is a great time to prove whether the earth is flat or a globe.

Geodetic surveying shows that angles of the measured triangle exceed 180 degrees, proving that Earth is curved.  This is called ‘spherical excess’. 

Flat earthers push aside 100’s of years worth of measurements that have been recorded by geodesic surveyors all over the earth.

These surveyors have painstakingly taken measurements from point to point, and using geometry and triangulation, have determined the size of continents, and the shape of the earth. Triangulation on a flat earth would yield 180 degree sums, but surveyors have found that the sums are greater than 180 degrees, which proves the arc of the earth.  Read Geodesy Proof Of The Flat Earth Deception.

Geodetic surveying reveals that the angles of the measured triangle exceed 180 degrees, proving that the Earth is curved. This is called ‘spherical excess’. If the Earth was flat, the angles would add up to 180 degrees.

One of the biggest perspective problems is that flat earthers are applying the 8″ per mile squared earth curvature formula to wrong line.

The 8″ per mile squared calculation does not measure the curvature of the line of sight, your horizon line; it extends far beyond what you can see.

8 inch per mile squared formula for curved globe earth

One of the biggest perspective problems is that flat earthers are applying the 8" per mile earth curvature formula to wrong line.

Let’s apply this to a picture to see the difference between the level line and the horizon line.

Let's apply this to a picture to see the difference between the level line and the horizon line.

Here is the Earth’s Curve Horizon, Bulge, Drop, and Hidden Calculator, which people use to try to prove that the earth isn’t curved.  This is the default setting of the globe earth with a radius of 3,959 miles, which shows that if your view height is 6 feet, then your horizon line is 3 miles away.  And that’s pretty much what we see in real life.

Curved Earth Pythagorean theorem Formula

Most photos from flat earthers are taken from an elevated position, which extends the horizon line; so just plug the estimated height of the elevated position into the Metabunk Earth’s Curve Formula, and you will see that the horizon line matches up; proving the curved Earth.

Curved Earth Pythagorean theorem Formula viewer height

In the below calculation I used the Advanced option to add 7 zeroes after the planet radius, to mimic a planet that is so big that the flat top is bigger than the supposed flat earth. And it shows that if your view height is 6 feet, your horizon line is 9,482 miles away.

Curved Earth Pythagorean theorem Formula flat

Now of course your eyes can’t see that far, but a good telescope would be able to see across the flat plain to be able to see that far. The point is that if the earth really were flat, then you would be able to see much, much further than 3 miles.

Californians should be able to see Hawaii with a telescope, or Mt. McKinley, which is 20,000 feet high.  From atop of Pike Peaks, which is 14,000 feet high, I should be able to use a powerful telescope to see all of America.

But the reason that we can only see to the horizon line is because the earth is curved; you are seeing the bulge of the Earth.

Here is a more technical explanation of the Earth curvature formula, to see how it is being misapplied by flat earthers.

Here is a more technical explanation of the Earth curvature formula, to see how it is being misapplied by flat earthers.

There are a lot of explanations on this website which counter the flat earth explanations, but first let’s set the record straight about the map that most flat-earthers are using.

The map that flat-earthers use actually represents the globe earth!

Before computers, mapping out airplane flight routes was a challenge, as they had to use a globe, or images of the northern and southern hemispheres, like these.

Azimuthal equidistant map globes

To resolve this problem they created the azimuthal equidistant map, which allowed them to see all of the continents on one 2D map.

In order to do this, the bottom half of the globe earth had to be flared out into the outer circles. On the north-polar azimuthal projection map the northern hemisphere is shown in the inner circle, and the southern hemisphere is shown in the flared out circle that surrounds it.

The north-polar equidistant projectionmap is not a flat earth map!

These maps can be centered from anywhere.  If you were planning flights from London, you would center it on London. North-polar azimuthal projection maps were used during times of war, and the polar route is the shortest distance between countries.

Rendering a globe earth onto a 2D image always cause some distortion. On the azimuthal projection map, the further away the land mass is from the center point, the greater the distortion.  This is why Australia looks so wide, as it’s been stretched.

Since the continent of Antarctica is opposite of the North Pole on the globe earth, the only way to graphically represent it on the north-polar azimuthal projection map is by turning it inside out, and spreading it out as a white ring on the outside edge.

The South Pole is graphically represented by the outside line of the map. You can see that the white ring has several bays that match up to the Ross Sea, which is close to New Zealand; and Weddell Sea, which is close to South America.

Below is a south-polar azimuthal equidistant projection map.  You can see that Antarctica and Australia are now normal size, as they are close to the center point; but North America and Euro-Russia are very distorted.  And you can see that the outside edge is blue, because opposite of the South Pole is water on the North Pole.

Antartica south pole azimuthal map proces the flat earth theory is false

Here is a equidistant projection map that is centered on Santiago, Chile.  North and South America are normal size, as is Antarctica, since they are close to the center point; but Euro-Russia is greatly distorted, so much so that it is graphically rendered as a ring around the outside edge (just like the north-polar map).


You can make your own azimuthal equidistant projection maps on this website. You just need to enter the location; such as 90N,0W for the north pole; and 90S, 0W for the south pole.

Here is a Hammond’s north-polar equidistant map for airplane travel, which is the same map that flat earthers use.

It has both sides of the globe represented, which are declaring that it is a projection of the globe earth onto a 2D map. You can clearly see the continent of Antarctica on the bottom of the globes in white.

Hammond's globe map is not a flat earth map

This close-up shows you that the globe declares the continent of Antarctica and the South Pole; and then again on the projection map.  It is declaring that the outside line is the South Pole.  It’s clearly telling you that the continent of Antarctica on the globe earth is represented as the white ring on the projection map.

Hammond's map declares that the ice ring is the continent of Antarctica

On the bottom left of the map is a guide to the distances between meridian (N-S) lines. The distance increases up to the equator, and then decrease at the same rate to the South Pole.  It’s declaring that though on the projection map it appears that the distances are become greater (because the southern hemisphere is flared out so that you can see it on a 2D projection map), that in fact they are getting smaller because the earth is globe-shaped.

Hammonds globe projection map meridian line distances prove that it is not a flat earth map

This Air Map Of The World from 1945 tells the truth, that the north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection represents a globe.

Notice that it doesn’t have an ice wall!  That is because they didn’t include the continent of Antarctica, because it is so greatly distorted.

azimuthal equidistant projection map is not a flat earth map

Here is the call out box on the top right:

This Air Map Of The World from 1945 tells the truth, that the north-polar azimuthal equidistant projection represents a globe.

It says “Since it is impossible to spread the surface of a globe on a flat surface without distortion, all maps are distorted in some respects.  In this map the distortion occurs in the east and west distances.  This distortion increases gradually from the North Pole to the Equator, and then quite rapidly to the outer limits.  The distortion of the Antarctic areas would be so great that these are not shown.”

So they didn’t even include the supposed ‘ice wall’, because it’s not an ice wall; it’s the continent of Antarctica, which is greatly distorted by the algorithm used to make the projection map.  Since Antarctica is opposite of the North Pole on the globe earth, the only way for the program to render it was to stretch it out as a circle.  The outer circle is the South Pole.   The continent has been inverted.

To prove that the supposed ice wall is really the distorted and inverted continent of Antarctica, here is an image that has the outer white ring and the continent of Antarctica.

The image keeps the land mass around the outside edge, and has the continent of Antarctica in the middle, as that is what is on the bottom of the globe.  The land mass is exaggerated, as the outside ring representation is exaggerated.  The continent is inverted to match the inverted outer circle, as the equidistant view is from the top down.

The flat earth map ice ring is actually antarctica

Look at the left side of the continent, which is small compared to the right side.  That matches the thin land mass of the left, compared to the right. Now look at the peninsula on the left lower side at 240 degrees.  It matches the peninsula on Antarctica.

The top of the circle is very thin and has a recess. That matches the curvature of the top of Antarctica.

On the bottom right at 110 degrees, there is a small indentation. That matches the bay on the southeast part of Antarctica.

Let’s take it one step further.  The bottom left red line shows that the meridian lines runs from the bay of Antarctica through South America. The bottom left red lines shows that the meridian line runs from the small bay runs through Asia.  The top red line shows that the meridian line runs from the other large bay in between North America and Russia.

Flat Earth map is equidistant map

The azimuthal equidistant map projection is only a tool, to help determine distances and flight maps on a globe earth.

Every time a flat-earther posts an explanation about direct airplane flights that they say is wrong on a globe earth; they are using this equidistant map, which is a globe map. Or worse, they use a Mercator projection map.

Flat earthers take words out of context to say that the Bible declares a flat earth.

They cite the words “pillars of the earth” to proclaim that the flat earth sit on top of pillars.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD’S, and he hath set the world upon them.” 1 Samuel 2:8

Read 1 Samuel 2:2-7, 9-10; you see that the word ‘pillars’ is referring to leaders of the earth, not physical pillars that support the flat earth.

Just like the saying that someone is a ‘pillar in the community’, it is declaring they are a strong leader. The context is clearly about Elohim raising seemingly lowly people and making them the leaders of the earth.  It is not talking about the design of the physical earth!

Flat earthers say that the ‘circle‘ in Isaiah 40:22 is declaring a flat circle earth.

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Let’s back up to get the context of the verse. Elohim is declaring the glory of His creation.

And to whom would you liken Ěl? And what likeness would you compare to Him? The workman moulds a graven image, and the goldsmith overspreads it with gold, and the silversmith casts silver chains. Isaiah 40:18-19

He is declaring that the works of man are nothing as compared to His creativity and power. Then He points out His Mazzoroth, the twelve signs in the heavenly circle, which have proclaimed His plan of redemption from the beginning.

Did you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? Isaiah 40:21

Do you bring out the constellations (Mazzoroth) in its season? Or do you lead the Bear with its sons. Job 38:32

The CIRCLE in Isaiah 40:22 is the Mazzoroth in the sky above, that has 12 constellations in a circle on the ecliptic, which declare the Gospel. It is like a curtain which covers the earth, and in which the stars dwell.

The circle of Isaiah 40:22 is the ecliptic, not the flat earth circle

We see that Elohim tells them to look up to the celestial sphere (circle) of the stars of the Mazzoroth.

Lift up your eyes on high and see. Who has created these? He who is bringing out their host by number, He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power – not one is missing. Isaiah 40:26

He appoints the number of the stars, He gives names to all of them.” Psalm 147:4

So one can clearly see that when Elohim referred to the circle of the Earth, He is referring to the circle of the Mazzoroth which acts as a constant witness to those on earth, about His great power, and about His redemption plan.

The same Hebrew word, chuwg, is used in Job 22:14 to describe the circuit of heaven. “Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit (chuwg) of heaven.”

Stop manipulating the Word of Elohim!  Read Biblical Proofs Of The Flat Earth Deception.

One of the most misleading things that proponents of the flat earth say is to ‘use your perspective as proof‘.

The challenge is that we are a small human on a large earth, so our perception is distorted.

We can only see so wide and far, so staring at a horizon that is only a few miles wide, we cannot see the curvature.

Flatearthers posts pictures from airplanes which seem to have a straight horizon, but when you put a line across the photo, you can see the curvature. In this image you can see the line is level with the horizon at the airplane pillar, and that there is a gap on the left and right side.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth

On this picture the red line is level on the left side, but you can clearly see the gap on the right side.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth 3

On this picture the red line is even on the sides, and you can see the curve of the earth in the center.

Supposed flat earth airplane image

Flatearthers counter by claiming that airplanes have curved glass that distorts the horizon.
Do you really think that airplanes would have glass in the cockpit that distorts the pilots view?
Does the windshield in your car cause the horizon to curve?  No!

Flat-earthers push aside the witness and photos of countless astronomers throughout the years and around the world, who have taken pictures of the planets and distant galaxies.

They proclaim that there are no real planets, and that they are just projections or lights. There are astronomy clubs at many schools and astronomy groups in most major cities, who take pictures of the moon, stars, planets and distant galaxies. There is just no way that all of that is a conspiracy to hide the flat earth theory.

You can buy phone apps that show you where to look in the sky for planets, so that you know where to look with your optical telescope.

You can visit astronomy clubs and they will let you look through their optical telescopes, to see the planets and distance galaxies for yourself.  There is simply no excuse for this laziness!

Read Astronomy Proves The Flat Earth Deception.

Flat earthers push aside the witness of people who work in companies that use satellites.

They proclaim that there are no satellites, but that everything is done through cables or ground-based antennas.

  • Meteorologists around the world use satellites to show storms like hurricanes.
  • Hughes Satellite internet service can’t work with cables or land-based antennas, as the locations that receive the signals are too remote.
  • Navstar GPS works in remote areas through satellites.
  • Look at a house with the Dish Network, Echostar, DirectTV. What direction is the dish pointed to? The sky!!!
  • Look at a remote-location TV news crew, where is their dish pointed to?  The sky!
  • Sirius radio provides signals to you when you are far away from ground based antennas
  • Look at remote military units and military facilities to see where their dishes are pointed to.  The sky!

To deny satellites is to deny the existence of a space program covering the US, EU, Russia, China, India, Brazil, employing tens of millions of people and spending tens of billions of dollars a year, putting satellites in orbit, sending probes everywhere, creating the GPS system, satellite TV, etc.

It would mean that all of that is faked, on an ongoing basis, and none of these tens of millions of people has ever exposed the lie. Read Satellites Prove The Flat Earth Deception.

They push aside the many people who have been to Antarctica as a researcher or tourist.

Flat earthers proclaim that the ice ring is protected so that nobody can see the end of the flat earth. But that is ludicrous as people visit every year for research and for tourism.

Read Antarctica Proves The Flat Earth Deception

So why is the flat earth a topic these days? 

More and more people on Facebook and YouTube are promoting the flat earth theory, with ridiculous explanations that prove nothing. Many of these people expose other conspiracies that have been foisted upon us; and they expose the truth about the Father and Son’s true names, about the Holy Feast Days, corrupt Bibles, etc.

So I believe that the enemy is getting them to believe in the flat-earth theory, so that others will discount all that they are proclaiming. It’s called a PSYOP, a Psychological Operation.

I think that flat-earthers are going to make everyone so tired of hearing about it, that people will not seek any of the truths that they share.  Many of them opening condemn everyone who doesn’t believe it, calling them fools and globeheads.

The story that Christians believed in a flat earth until Columbus’ time, and for some time thereafter, began as part of a fictional story that was elevated to historical fact by late 19th-century Darwinists who used it primarily as a means to ridicule Christians. Sadly that appears to be happening again, as truthers who proclaim the flat earth are being ridiculed.

I hope that this page has helped to open your eyes to the truth, that the earth is a globe.

If you have some insight to prove that what I have shown is not correct, please comment below. If you just want to make statements, without any proof; or if you just want to make accusations against me; then your comment may not be added to the discussion.


p.s. My explanations are logical, and are based on what we can see.  I don’t offer scientific explanations, because that is not my strength. Sadly, I see flat earthers mocking scientific explanations about the globe earth, but giving really unscientific answers.

683 thoughts on “Search For Truth, Not To Defend A Belief”

  1. Hey Dave, thank you very much for this, boy was I trapped in the flat earth model. What proved it for me is the constellation Octans seen in the southern horizon from the south of South America, South Africa and South Australia facing south. When I talk to flat earthers as one of them and baffled, been getting every single one to wake up 😇. Which at first was authentic but has turned into a little game so they’ll listen to me.

    Here is something from Jewish Historian Josephus and Roman Historian Tacitus regarding 70 AD on angels assisting in destroying the temple in 70 AD:

    Josephus – War of the Jews Book 6 Chapter 5 Passage 3

    3. Thus were the miserable people persuaded by these deceivers, and such as belied God himself. While they did not attend, nor give credit to the signs that were so evident, and did so plainly foretel their future desolation. But like men infatuated, without either eyes to see, or minds to consider, did not regard the denunciations that God made to them. Thus there was a star, resembling a sword, which stood over the city: and a comet, that continued a whole year. (15) Thus also before the Jews rebellion, and before those commotions which preceded the war, when the people were come in great crouds to the feast of unleavened bread, on the eighth day of the month Xanthicus, [Nisan,] (16) and at the ninth hour of the night, so great a light shone round the altar, and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright day time. Which light lasted for half an hour. This light seemed to be a good sign to the unskilful: but was so interpreted by the sacred scribes, as to portend those events that followed immediately upon it. At the same festival also an heifer, as she was led by the High-priest to be sacrificed, brought forth a lamb, in the midst of the temple. Moreover the eastern gate of the inner [court of the] temple,9 which was of brass, and vastly heavy, and had been with difficulty shut by twenty men, and rested upon a basis armed with iron, and had bolts fastened very deep into the firm floor; which was there made of one intire stone: was seen to be opened of its own accord, about the sixth hour of the night. Now those that kept watch in the temple came hereupon running to the captain of the temple, and told him of it: who then came up thither: and, not without great difficulty, was able to shut the gate again. This also appeared to the vulgar to be a very happy prodigy: as if God did thereby open them the gate of happiness. But the men of learning understood it, that the security of their holy house was dissolved of its own accord: and that the gate was opened for the advantage of their enemies. So these publickly declared that this signal foreshewed the desolation that was coming upon them. Besides these, a few days after that feast, on the one and twentieth day of the month Artemisius, [Jyar,] a certain prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared: I suppose the account of it would seem to be a fable; were it not related by those that saw it; and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals. For, before sun setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armour were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities. Moreover, at that feast which we call Pentecost; as the priests were going by night into the inner [court of the] temple,10 as their custom was, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said, that in the first place they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise: and after that they heard a sound, as of a multitude, saying, “Let us remove hence.”
    Tacitus – Histories
    Book 5 chapter 13

    Prodigies had occurred, which this nation, prone to superstition, but hating all religious rites, did not deem it lawful to expiate by offering and sacrifice. There had been seen hosts joining battle in the skies, the fiery gleam of arms, the temple illuminated by a sudden radiance from the clouds. The doors of the inner shrine were suddenly thrown open, and a voice of more than mortal tone was heard to cry that the Gods were departing. At the same instant there was a mighty stir as of departure.

      • David,

        I agree with what you are saying on 70 AD, although with the quotes from Josephus and Tacitus, I believe that there were angels and chariots in the sky sent by god during the desolation.

        It is reported that Tacitus states he would not have succeeded in the desolation has it not been for the prodigies in the sky.

        God came with angels at the destruction, I would add that to your bit as you have more of a reach than I do!

        Blessings in Jesus name

  2. Hello David, I read your book disproving the flat earth theory, it’s great, good job. I’ve been a supporter of geocentrism for a long time, even before the internet was flooded with flat earth nonsense. I have a question for you, do you think the sun is really as big as the heliocentrics say? In principle, it could be so large and it seems to me that it does not interfere with the geocentric theory, the large size of the sun is indicated by, for example, the transits of the planets Venus and Mercury on the sun’s disk, these planets look like small balls against the sun, you can find photos taken on the internet by amateur astronomers. I am also interested in the question of stars and whether the sun is actually one of the stars or is of a different nature, official science says that many stars are enormous in size many times larger than the sun, I also wonder what galaxies are because they look rather like a cluster of dust gases with very bright center, I think they are just nebulae and not clusters of stars, and I don’t believe we are in one of those galaxies. I’m interested in your opinion on this, or maybe you have links to some interesting geocentric studies on this topic. Whatever it is, I think our Father YHWH has infinite power and can do great and beautiful works, proving his incomparable power and glory.

    • Hello Kris, thank you for sharing your insight! I don’t believe the scientific narrative of the universe, so yes, they may be misleading us about the size of the sun. I’m not scientific to answer the questions about the sun being a star, etc. The main Christian geocentrist who produces articles and books is Robert Sungenis. Yea, the glory of Yah is seen in the constellations which tell the story of our redemption. Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah! David

      • Thank you for your answer Dawid, I am also not a scientist, I observe the sky through binoculars as an amateur and watch a lot of photos of astrophotographers on facebook and instagram. All I can say is that the universe that God created around the earth is full of amazing and beautiful things, the number of stars is really huge, just like he told Abraham. Surely all of this refutes flat earth as utter nonsense. NASA lies to the world in a more sophisticated way, much harder to detect, cleverly mixing truth with lies. On the other hand, flat earthers live in a world of illusions and delusions, although their theory is extremely easy to refute. Father YHWH and Son Messiah bless you David for your work.

        • The evil ones mislead most people with heliocentrism, and others with the flat earth model, to hide the glorious geocentric universe which proves the Creator. The flat earth theory causes people to dismiss anything to do with geocentrism. Sadly, the strategies of the enemy are very effective.

  3. The flat earth, disk/dome, does not allow a Christmas star to penetrate a firmament. There are actually competing explanations in science, computer programs, and historical records of Persians and Chinese… the heliocentric model can either accept the miracle of the Christmas Star, or accept one of the competing theories. The disk/dome cannot.

    Even if they came up with one now… it just shows that their view was more like having fun with the Bible, than being Christ-centered.

  4. Some are saying that Enoch is the Messiah. You ever hear that? And that Jesus calls himself the morning star and Lucifer is known as the morning star. I am just curious your thoughts on that.

    • No Michelle, I’ve never head the Enoch is Messiah. Satan perverts the true ways of the Heavenly Father. 2 Corinthians 11:14 says, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

  5. About 5 years ago I was one of the people who would have said FE and/or a geocentric globe are the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of. Roughly 3 years ago, I’d have said geocentric globe believer’s are “almost there”. Now, almost to the day, 3 years later — regarding this website which I just happened to run across last night, I have to fully admit that if I kept the same attitude from 3 years ago and especially 5 years ago, I’d be doing the exact opposite thing I say to people which is dropping the ego and everything we think we know if we want to find the truth. I am not anywhere near the level of expertise regarding the FE vs globe, geo or heliocentric, but I don’t think I have heard your name brought up by David Weiss when he had the FE Podcast going. He, or one of the co-hosts, mentioned another geocentrist presenting at one of the conferences.

    I don’t see contact information for you but if I were you, I’d be looking to get in touch with any of them because I understand that the enemy is not each other but the governments of the world. I’d also be looking to do experiments alongside them because if you hadn’t heard, every one of them has said that they want the truth, regardless of shape. I’m not sure if anyone has ever presented this website to any of them but my guess is that they have as there is alot of information.

    As I said, I’m not the person who wants to debate and I think we who seek the truth should look at everything objectively when valid arguments or points are made. I feel that you should be reaching out to Dave, Jeran, Hiebler, ODD, Matt Long, or even Crrow & Jason Lindgren who are not necessarily Flat Earthers but just don’t subscribe to the globe, especially the heliocentric. This website has a good compilation of info – if they don’t see it or know of you, they can’t exactly discuss or address these things. I hope you take it to the next level and get in touch with them, no pun intended.

    • Thank you Scott for sharing your path of learning! I appreciate your zeal for truth and being able to do research and put aside previous beliefs.

      The whole world has been misled by the false teachings of the evil ones, regarding the design of the universe, which they use to promote their vile evolution doctrine.

      I’m not familiar with David Weiss, as I don’t focus much on this debate anymore because I spend my time on teaching prophecy fulfillment.

      David Weiss may have been talking about Robert Sungenis, who is the primary person that has a website and writes books that prove out the geocentric universe. He was behind the movie, The Principle. Robert Sungenis would be a better source of information to help David see truth.

      You’re welcome to share this website with David Weiss, Jeran, Hiebler, ODD, Matt Long & Jason Lindgren, so that they can request a free PDF copy of The False Doctrine Of The Flat Earth book, which goes through the Bible verses that flat-earthers cite to show that they’re either being taken out of context or they don’t prove that the earth is flat as they can describe the geocentric globe earth.

      And they can visit this website to request a free PDF copy of The True Doctrine Of The Globe Earth book, which gives more information.

      It’s an important topic to be sure, but it’s not what the Heavenly Father has me focused on, as the fulfillment of prophecy is vital topic. Here’s one of my websites, which provides access to resources and leads to my prophecy fulfillment teachings.

      Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

  6. the bible says the earth will not move forever, it says the sun moves.. so those i feel we can count on for sure..
    the arc of the earth has been challenged and the results from many tests show the arc is wrong.. not even close. could they be scammers? i suppose they could but if the sun moves and the earth is stationary.. then science is wrong, our leaders are wrong, our school books are wrong, nasa is wrong so the question is why, why would they do such a thing???
    so maybe the earth is a stationary ball but the water holding its position and rivers travelling for miles uphill seams unlikely.. so many things our government does to hide things from us and knowing how evil they are and all the deceptions they have pulled over on us, it would be hard to rule out anything right now.. im brand new at this but scriptures say stationary earth and moving sun so i start their and with all the evidence so far i am leaning towards flat earth= circle of the earth which i believe has more evidence especially in scripture where is says they went up high and could see all kingdoms of the world and their glory.. math 4:8 or in dan 4:11 the top reached to heaven, and it was visible to the end of the whole earth .. if visible to whole earth then it cant be round. they lied about the sizes of the sun and moon, their distances away and the spins and rotations so even though i see lots of evidence for an earth sphere and i see just as much or more evidence for a flat earth.. i hope your work is not done because i love your work, i think its totally amazing and has saved me years of research. God bless

    • Yeah Marko, we can see that Scripture describes the sun as moving and the earth is immovable. I’ve looked at many flat earth explanations, and there’s always something wrong with the narrative, and they manipulate information to push their point.

      There is no place on the flat earth where all the world is visible. If that were true, then we could see the whole world from the highest mountains, using telescope.

      The tree in Daniel 4:11 is not a real tree! It’s symbolic language for the power of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel tells us this in Daniel 4:20-22.

      Da 4:20 The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heaven, and the sight thereof to all the earth;
      Da 4:21 Whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation:
      Da 4:22 It is thou, O king, that art grown and become strong: for thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth.

      Indeed, NASA has lied to us, which is why I don’t cite them on this website. They are disinfo which props up the heliocentric universe theory and evolution doctrine.

      Before Copernicus wrote his heliocentric book, scientists promoted the geocentric model. Keep searching out the matter, because it is important.

  7. David, I am in a heated debate on Telegram with flat earthers. Have read your book. One of the challenges I’m not sure how to reply to is this…

    All youre trying to do is show a different interpretation of scripture to try and make yourself correct…. Show me where the ocean curves, you cant… its called sea level… earth is 70% water and water doesnt curve

      • David,

        In the last three months, I have read the 70th week of Daniel 9, Revelation Timeline Decoded, the Olivet Discourse, the False Doctrine of the Flat Earth, The True Doctrine Of The Globe Earth, watched The Principle documentary, am finishing the the Witness of the Stars by EW Bullinger, watched half of your Revelation Timeline Decoded videos to the set apart saint. Read a fantastic book about the Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and also the Untold Story of the New Testament (also Frank Viola) got copies of the 1560 Geneva Bible and the 1611 KJV.

        I am 60, a believer for 40 years, an electrical and software engineer that has run multiple companies across many industries for most of my adult life.

        A am on fire and blessed by the scales you have dropped from my eyes. But I feel like with few exceptions I am alone on the planet and wondering where others who see the MASSIVE DECEPTION that has been thrown over the earth are.

        How do I get plugged into a group of believers who are like minded?

        • Thank you for sharing your story! It makes my heart smile that the studies have helped you see the glory of Messiah in their fulfillment! Trust me, I know what it’s like to feel alone on this planet, as the end-times saints have been misled about many things. I’ll send you an email so that we can connect. Blessings to you, David

          • Thank you. I would VERY much like that. Your diligent work and willingness to share it despite what I imagine has been a lot of criticism has also blessed my 24 year old son Ian, who actually got me to examine what you were saying with an open mind, heart and spirit to the pursuit of truth. He graduated from Texas A&M in 2020 with a biomedical engineering degree and is quite the critical thinker. He and I have had countless conversations over the history of the church, the jesuits, babylon mystery religions, what comes next, etc, etc. Pretty much every time we are together this is what is on our minds and it has been a true blessing

          • That’s great that you and your son are able to discuss and discern these things! I sent you an email last night. Let me know that you received it. There is a wonderful blessing in understanding the fulfillment of prophecy!

      • For last 500 years Earth is a globe rotating around itself 1000 mph in 24 hours of time and also traveling through space 66,000 mph to circumvent the sun in 365 days; tilted 23.4° (Deducting from 90° give you number 66.6). Fahrenheit temperature was decided by 32° Mason which is freezing temperature for water. All our institution of learning are indoctrination camps and you are most likely the one brainwashed. In the first book of the Bible Genesis; God created the Earth first, then in heavenly‘s of the Earths-Firmament: Sun greater light and Moon lesser light. Both of these lights (not a planets, but lights) are same size and they are Holograms. What is a Hologram? | Hologram Definition | Live Science: The images are not only three-dimensional but show objects from different angles). Antarctica is a wall around the Earth (59,000 miles wall), look at the UN(NWO) logo or flag. Get your hand on the book “project paperclip” …. creation of NASA, as well order of Jesuits-Vatican, City of London and Washington DC (Unholy Trinity).
        God doesn’t lie and man: .. rely on his own understanding!! – therefore: cannot believe the truth. Once you find the truth truth will set you free and you will be free indeed. Walk by faith not by sight. God bless in Jesus name.

          • Donald J Trump with JFK Jr. and few more most trusted people was in preparation for this job (Isaiah; 45) well, well over 30 year’s (before the foundation of the world)🙂
            Within six months of his presidency everything has to be deCLAsIFY to the president. For over 4y’s you are watching movie with the best actors, it is biggest sting operation in the world history to take Cabal down!!! Watch this:
            Trump also wrote the books: “The art of the deal” as well “The art of the Comeback” by the way he is Flat Earth-er so it’s all the military of the world; it is not gravity but it is density of the matter: If you throw water in the air will fall down, water on the ground evaporates and goes up because density of that same water decrees, as well it’s with ice-float on the water like iceberg.
            No wonder why Nelson Rockefeller 1950s took the position of secretary of education for less income but much greater outcome because he knew: manipulating mind of one generation (Jesus said something about one generation which would be the last one) can change the world, even though to this day a little child walk in the classroom, and on the teachers desk-“Globe” is the mess we live in.
            From this point on this is most important; do your own research do not take my word for it I learned from others very close to Trump, that they are all
            Look at three jurisdictions in the world we live in namely; air, earth, and water. Because all the continents are connected with water we have Maritime laws …, but what Cabal did; they bring maritime laws to the land; and if you go in court, mind you-you are in their books already a vessel-Lost at Sea (All cops name – JOHN MCDONALD) you can’t defend yourself, you have to hire lawyer, and these guys are members of BAR which stands for British accredited registry. What this all mean United States of America is colony of the British empire since 1913 creation of federal reserve; with this I R S is collection agency for Cabal-Crown, being land Lord over United States – DC (10 mi.²) for 99 years(expired 2012 but Obama did not want to restore the republic because he was the one of them), and because you accept Social Security number which is unconscionable contract with DC foreign government Cabal which has only your signature on the contract make it so invalid. All about this you can watch: Out of Babylon with David Straight Part 1 – YouTube, or you can search on duck duck go.
            Stay in touch one can chase 1000, two can chase 10,000

  8. Thanks for sharing with us your theory on flat earth.
    I looked into it and saw that the FE theory was not able to explain a couple of details you mentioned in regards of the constellations of the south sky, the rising sun in the south hemisphere and the speed of the sun when it moves from a tropic to the other tropic…this is a biggie!
    To be honest, I don’t care about the shape of the earth, it really doesn’t matter to me and I think it is not worth spending to much time on the subject because we will never know for sure. What I know for sure is that GOD exists and there is a cosmic battle with the powers of darkness.
    The FE movement is led by new agers like Eric Dubay and sun worshippers like David Weiss (who owned a solar panels business, yes sure!), plus the FE map, the Gleason (glee sun) map they are referring to is full of masonic symbols, right….
    I came across other theories that contradict the heliocentric/globe earth. Have you heard of Enochian cosmology ref. book 1 of Enoch ? What do you think of the explanations Enoch the patriarch gives, see link for the text???? thanks

    • Thank you for your comment! I don’t trust the book of Enoch as it was written around the second century BC, obviously not by the esteemed Enoch. So the writers dishonestly used Enoch’s name to give it credibility. I’ve found that Scripture and scientific discoveries point to a geocentric universe with an immovable globe earth at the center, which proves the Creator.

    • you almost have to chuckle, , ,solar panels people, and the geoengineered weather for waay to long, , ya know blocking the sun?, bill gates of hell, and harvard?, ect., no matter what shape the earths really , just like you say, its a distraction, howevr, , they the world made a big stink, about it a few years ago, because it calls into question, nasa., , a lie, from the beginning., , created by satanists, confirmed., , everything is designed to get and keep our eyes off of the true words of god, the bible., , god bless.


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