Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine #9: Bible Says Flat Earth, Prove Me Wrong Video

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘#9: Bible Says Flat Earth, Prove Me Wrong’ Nathan Roberts asked people to provide a verse that shows that the earth is in a perpetual state of motion. The Bible … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine #9: Bible Says Flat Earth, Prove Me Wrong Video

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Colonial Williamsburg admits Bible is a FLAT EARTH BOOK

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘Colonial Williamsburg admits Bible is a FLAT EARTH BOOK!’ Even though Bernie  (or Birdie, I couldn’t tell) Adams agreed when Nathan Roberts said that the Bible is a flat earth … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Colonial Williamsburg admits Bible is a FLAT EARTH BOOK

Pastor Dean Odle And Nathan Roberts At Skyfall 2019 Update

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Pastor Dean Odle posted this video on his Dean Odle Ministries Facebook page. Pastor Dean Odle, Nathan Roberts, Sheila Zilinsky and Matt Long; are misleading people about the shape of the earth, and about the fulfillment of prophecy! They’re teaching deceptions from the enemy, … Read more Pastor Dean Odle And Nathan Roberts At Skyfall 2019 Update

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine False Gospel Hides The Creator

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. Imagine what’s going to happen when Jerome Pride finds out that the earth is not flat. Will his faith be shaken to the core? Nathan Roberts is teaching a false … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine False Gospel Hides The Creator

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Fake Space Isaiah 14:12-15

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. The irony of Nathan Roberts posting this verse is that I cover it in a study that I’m working on. Job 26:7 says “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Fake Space Isaiah 14:12-15

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine CyberGhost Glass Dome Ad

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. CyberGhost is portraying a city being protected through their data-encryption technology, and flat-earther Nathan Roberts thinks that they are proclaiming that the earth is flat. He doesn’t make a post of all … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine CyberGhost Glass Dome Ad

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook “Satellites EXIST, only on balloons”

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. Nathan commented with “Satellites EXIST, only on balloons” and then provided a link to some NASA balloon experiments. What he is not showing you is all of the documents that NASA has … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook “Satellites EXIST, only on balloons”

Nathan Roberts Says that there are 200+ Bible verses for flat earth vs. 0 for heliocentrism

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. Nathan Roberts commented with “200+ Bible verses for flat earth vs. 0 for heliocentrism.” And therein lies the deception, for the enemy has caused the debate to be between the flat earth … Read more Nathan Roberts Says that there are 200+ Bible verses for flat earth vs. 0 for heliocentrism

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook About The Firmament

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. This is the simplistic mindset of Nathan Roberts and flat-earthers. The Hebrew word for firmament is raqiya`; properly, an expanse, i.e. the firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky:—firmament. Did you see … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook About The Firmament

Nathan Roberts Says That Bouyant Force Destroys Gravity

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page, saying ‘Buoyant force destroys gravity.’ Buoyancy is not a force!!! It does not cause things to move. Density is not a force either! Nathan Roberts also cites electromagnetic force, but that … Read more Nathan Roberts Says That Bouyant Force Destroys Gravity