Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine #9: Bible Says Flat Earth, Prove Me Wrong Video

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘#9: Bible Says Flat Earth, Prove Me Wrong’

Nathan Roberts asked people to provide a verse that shows that the earth is in a perpetual state of motion.

The Bible doesn’t say that the earth is moving, but that applies to a geocentric globe earth too.

Nathan Roberts asked people to provide a verse that shows that the earth is a globe. There are many of those, and the irony is that some of the verses that Nathan cites as flat-earth verses actually prove that the earth is a globe.

Proof of those verses will be published soon as a rebuke to Nathan Roberts. Everyone will see how badly he takes verses out of context, to proclaim that the earth is flat.

It’s amazing that Nathan tells his viewers to invite people to watch this video; and then he just sits around and watches baseball and eats popcorn for 30 minutes. Why would anyone, including flat-earthers, want to watch this video?

The worst part is that Nathan Roberts’ boring demonstration is misplaced, for the Bible does not describe a flat earth, it describes a geocentric globe earth.

Read Flat Earther Nathan Roberts of DEBUNKED!

Bible says geocentric globe earth