Photos Prove The Flat Earth Deception

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

This page discusses photos in regard to the flat earth deception, and the globe earth proof.

It’s been established that much of what NASA publishes is CGI to provide clear images; and there is much controversy about the lunar landing, the Challenger space shuttle accident, etc.; so this website does not cite NASA.

To be fair, the same is true of images that are provided by flat earthers, who are biased and have an agenda.  So we will rely on third-parties, who have no agenda in regard to the flat earth debate, but only love astronomy.

We know that NASA was created by PSYOP specialists, mind-control people.  We know that they did not land on the moon, and that the video and photos were faked.

But that in itself does not prove the flat earth.

Flat earthers continually post images on Facebook that are not wide enough to prove that the earth is flat.  They are 1-2 miles wide, which is not going to show a perceivable curve.

Where are the pictures from high above the earth, that prove that the earth looks like the flat earth map?

Where are the pictures of the supposed glass dome?

Where are the pictures of the edge of the flat earth?

Please show me photos that prove these things; and then I will comment about them. 

Until then it’s just a theory.

The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.

This video was recorded by the camera with the 1000nm infrared filter and a 7.2mm lens. The comparison video was shot with a camera placed next to it in the capsule. That camera had a 5.4mm lens. The infrared camera has a tighter shot than the comparison camera.

The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.

These still shots from the video show the curvature.

The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.

They use photos that seem like the horizon is straight, but if you simply put a straight line across them, you see the curvature.

On this photo over the U.K., the white line is level with the horizon in the middle left, and there is obvious curvature on both the left and right side.

On this photo over the U.K., the white line is level with the horizon in the middle left, and there is obvious curvature on both the left and right side of the horizon.

On this one the red line is level with the horizon to the right of the airplane support beam, and the left and right side of the horizon curved down.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth

On this one the red line is even with the horizon on the left and right sides, and the earth is raised up in the middle, proving that the earth is curved.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth 2

On this one the red line is level on the left side and on the right side the horizon drops down.

Airline pilot photo shows the curved earth 3

Flat Earthers pictures confirmed the curvature formula!

Below are pictures which give the altitude of the airplane, so that we can plug that number into the curvature formula, to determine the horizon line; to see if it matches up with the picture.

These pictures were taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet.  The curvature formula says that the horizon line is 324 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.

This picture was taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet. It is facing through the windshield, to eliminate the curve created by curved glass on the side of the plane.

From 70,000 feet, if the Earth were flat, we should be able to see much, much further.

These pictures were taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet.

This picture was taken on a Gulfstream jet at 45,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 260 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.  On a flat earth, we should be able to see much further at 45,000 feet (8.5 miles) up.

This picture was taken on a Gulfstream jet at 45,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 260 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 40,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 245 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 40,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 245 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 30,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 212 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 750 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 33.54 miles, which looking at the horizon, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

This photo was taken at 750 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 33.54 miles, which looking at the horizon, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.

Here is the only picture ever taken of Concorde flying at Mach 2 (1,350 mph). Taken from an RAF Tornado fighter jet, which only rendezvoused with Concorde for 4 minutes over the Irish Sea: The Tornado was rapidly running out of fuel, struggling to keep up with Concorde at Mach 2. Notice that the plane is straight, which proves that a fish-eye lens is not distorting the picture.

Flat earthers proclaim that the plane is curved, so they proclaim that a fish-eye lens was used (which is their standard response about any photo which shows the curve); so I added a straight line below the line of windows, so that you can see that it’s straight.

Concorde Jet proves curved earth

Below is a photo by Captain Mike Bannister showing the curvature of the earth as seen from a Concorde flight.

Concorde Jet proves curved earth

Return to the Flat Earth Deception home page.












100 thoughts on “Photos Prove The Flat Earth Deception”

  1. There is also another theory that satisfies the sight factor such as the example of distant boats and ships that are higher visually than the observer (video camera placed at less than 15 cm from the sea level) which is inconsistent both for a convex surface than for a flat surface.
    This theory satisfies the phenomenon of the cone of projection of sunlight inconsistent for both the convex surface (inconsistent projection of a sun considered much larger than the earth) and for the flat one (projection inconsistent with respect to both the distance of the sun and the concave curvature of the vaulted glass of a theoretical flat earth with respect to the earth’s surface).
    This theory satisfies the maintenance of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies thanks to the magnetic compression exerted on the earth’s surface with perpendicular and spiral-like flow (detectable with various instruments starting from the magnetic ones) inconsistent for a convex or flat surface, thus also satisfying the spiraling of the waters and flows or climatic disturbances.
    This theory satisfies the nature of rainbows (birefringence phenomenon produced, in the presence of humidity, through the solar projection that crosses the layer of the spherical glass dome containing the spherical universe) inconsistent for a convex or flat surface.
    This theory satisfies the shape of the rotating spherical universe enclosed in a glass sphere and placed inside the earth of a cosmic cellular nature and considering that the center of the earth coincides with that of the earth where the one of the Milky Way resides, always visible exactly above our heads and at any time of day.
    This theory can be interpreted as Inverted Earth or rather Endospheric Earth (life within the earth on its internal concave surface including the spherical universe, sun and moon attached), or Concave Earth or better Cosmogonic or Cosmocentric Cellular Earth of which I leave you some information channels:

    • So you think that the glass in front of pilots is curved? Seriously? If so, then they have crazy skills to be able to land those planes! LOL!

      And saying that all cameras show a curve is ridiculous! Just more statements from a flat-earther, without any real proof.

      • you must make money on your biblical information? the glass in front of a pilot is indeed curved. Speaking of planes or “space craft” the documents of the design of such craft is clearly presented by “flat earthers” as for a non rotating flat earth,look in to it . Maybe you too will be ostracized for your literal interpretation of the biblical text . As a molten looking glass. Real glass you must have misread. Has God forsaken his earth to you. the ball and science for that matter are clearly based upon Pagan ideals water is the basis for both buoyancy and density. “YOUR BOOK” “your book” give it away. I hold to many of your prophecy beliefs although I did not receive the information from your site. We were not given dominion of the skies. Forgive me for being passionate about the subject it is still God’s Earth. or as He put it his footstool, odd choice of words for a ball.

  2. Does anyone actually care . If the earth is flat , round , a sphere , square , triangle . Or a fish bowl , a octagon . REMEMBER LIFE IS SHORT AND WE ARE DEAD ALONG TIME . ENJOY THE TIME WE HAVE ON THIS PLANET KNOW MATTER WHAT SHAPE IT IS . Carry on it makes for a great read . Peace out .

      • David
        In the bible if i recall correctly it stated the earth stood on pillars . Or something along those lines. I’m not knocking what you do ,its great your wrote two books on this matter. Trying to convince a population regarding the shape of the earth is pretty well pointless. God gave everyone free will so we are allowed to think what we want . Well evolution makes sense and the big bang theory makes sense. God created heaven and earth and men and women . Science man or woman created why free will. Opinions will vary . Free will and freedom of speech . Name calling someone based on beliefs is not away to get points across. Based on your material David I’d say in most cases your the bigger man.
        Peace out

        • J, in my The False Doctrine Of The Flat Earth book, I show how flat-earthers fail to understand the context of what the word ‘pillars’ represents. Some of the verses which point to the ‘pillars of the earth’ are pointing to leaders which the Heavenly Father uses. 1 Samuel 2:8 “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD’S, and he hath set the world upon them.”

          The word “pillars” in 1 Samuel 2:8 is not talking about physical pillars. If someone says that a person is a ‘pillar in the community,’ it means that they’re a supportive leader. Figuratively, the pillars of the earth may design the princes of the world, the supreme rulers of it, and civil magistrates; those who the Heavenly Father uses for His purposes. So we see that flat-earthers are taking verses out of context.

          My The True Doctrine Of The Globe Earth book proves how Scripture and scientific experiments point to a geocentric globe earth universe, which is extremely important; for it proves that there’s a Creator, and it destroys the evolution lie which is based on the heliocentric universe model.

          When people understand that the earth is geocentric, at the center of the vast universe, they can make their choices based on that information, instead of the lie of the heliocentric universe. That doesn’t seem pointless to me.

          • David
            I understand the meaning of pillar . The People who choose to think the earth is sitting on a giant turtles back let then think it . As the world stands it is corrupt at many levels . The truth for everyone will be known at death. God bless you David your faith is strong .

          • I don’t wait for death to reveal truth, I proclaim it on my many websites; for we are called to be a watchman who blows the trumpet, who sounds the alarm, to expose the many deceptions of the enemy. If we do not do this, then we are held accountable.

            “But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” Ezekiel 33:6

  3. Good work bud. I like this article and response section. Looks like many are trying to prove thru EMOTIONS rather than using some hard evidence or rationalization. It’s funny how on topics those who use their emotions primarily are the first to start the name calling as a defense or starting point of a poor argument. They are just running in circles. Maybe one day they too can evolve. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thank you for your comment! I offer a lot of explanations on this website, but flat-earthers rarely address them to explain why they think that they’re wrong. Instead, they just offer up sound bites and make accusations. They don’t have any real scientific evidence for any of their explanations. It’s both comical and sad to listen to them explain how the flat earth model supposedly works. Keep learning and growing! David

  4. If the Earth was round the curve would not only arch in the in the distance from left to right but a airplane would need to correct for the curve by pushing its nose down every 260 miles which it does not. This information that the earth is a ball is a lie.

    • An airplane naturally points down, so to keep it going straight the nose has to be pulled up a bit. That said, curvature is automatically factored in as they fly in a manner to maintain the same altitude.

      Pilots and autopilot simply focus on maintaining the same altitude. An attitude indicator shows that they are flying level, meaning maintaining the same altitude.

      The same thing is true for a submarine, as they maintain a 200 feet depth from the surface, the curvature is automatically factored in.

      It’s ironic that you use rocketmail, since flat earthers don’t believe that rockets go into space. 😛

  5. Yall are seriously retarded if you think earth is flat or if its the center of the universe. Yes the earth really is spinning yes gravity does exist no we dont live in some fantasy flying disk dome. How fucking ignorant do you have to be to actually believe this bullshit because “the bible said so”.

  6. Dave i work for NASA!!! your the moron!!! flat earth theory has been debunked and all you did was send us a link tht proves tht the earth is round. Flat Earthers ain’t no different thn the pussy antifa with there delusional beliefs.

    All you proved here, is the fact tht you made yourself look like a penis with ears!!!

    • Thanks for the laugh! Are you the janitor at NASA? All you proved here is that you can’t spell correctly.

      My name is David, not Dave. “your” is “You’re”. Ain’t? thn? “there” is “their”. tht?

      Your statement saying that I sent a link that proves that the earth is round, apparently means that you don’t even understand that I believe that the earth is a globe and this website is about debunking the flat earth.

      I bet you’re excited about those BOSTON Red Sox! 😛

  7. LMAO..whoever posted these pictures completely clueless..ABSOLUTE ROOKIE..

    There are “horizon lines” in these pics that are not horizon lines at all..LMAO..
    MORONS!…only people stupid enough to think they are spinning at half a mil mph on a ball are oblivious enough to not notice there own stupidity..SMH…
    I would not doubt for one second this site was run by a KID, who’s dad tells him the world is he’s trying hard to prove what he can’t//but he will fool himself anyway…he’s already building on a false belief.

    • I would suspect that you’re the kid. And once again, you’ve proven nothing. And you don’t even pay attention, as I’ve clearly said at the beginning of the Flat Earth Deceptions home page that I believe that the earth is geocentric, at the center of the universe, and not spinning or flying through space.

    • I like how you have not provided any counter evidence whatsoever, you have only asserted that we are wrong because we are wrong and you are right, try again when you have some actual evidence that hasn’t been debunked 700 times already and that can’t be debunked in 10 nanoseconds like everything else.

    • Wow, are you delusional !!!!!
      You really should go to doctor
      and have him put you on medicine,
      for your Schizophrenia because of your comment. It is very apparent you have no idea what you’re talking about.
      Because if you did you would not have made yourself look like a idiot. I have flown from Idaho, USA to Italy. over 15 hours to first stop. I had window seat and where I could not see clouds I could see the curve of the earth. when we started our descent and got closer to the ground, the curve got less and less. I grew up around small planes, my dad and brother flew. my brother did it for a living. We had our own plane that seats 4. All I can say is you are a big joke.

        • Steve, you think that water being ‘level’ means that it’s flat, that is wrong. Water seeks the lowest altitude, due to forces which attract it to the earth. Water around the globe earth is drawn towards the center of the earth, so it can be at it’s lowest level in the ocean, but the surface is curving around the earth.

          It’s so easy to prove it, as ships sail away and disappear bottom first. If the earth were flat, that could not happen. The boat would always stay above the horizon.


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