Is Nathan Thompson a COWARD? Flat Earth LIAR!!!

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Here’s a video from Adam Joseph Doughty called ‘Is Nathan Thompson a COWARD? Flat Earth LIAR!!!’ which is directed at Nathan Thompson.

Nathan Thompson is a combative, arrogant, flat earth zealot, like Nathan Roberts; who likes to mock people.

And all of their accusations, and the division that they are creating among believers, is for nothing; as the Bible does not proclaim that the earth is flat!

Read Flat Earther Nathan Roberts of DEBUNKED!

6 thoughts on “Is Nathan Thompson a COWARD? Flat Earth LIAR!!!”

  1. “What scientific principle keeps them 3,000 miles above the flat earth?” Triangulation. On March 22 when the sun is directly over the equator, we can choose two cities along the line that both have 60 degree angles to the sun. In the first city its 10:30 am and the second its 2:30 pm. From those two corners we can extrapolate the sun being 3000 miles high over a flat plane. Whereas, we cannot triangulate the sun being 93,000,000 miles from earth using earth alone, but have to guess how far away the two other corners are (being the sun and Venus).

    • Triangulation is not a scientific principle that keeps the earth and moon above the flat earth, it’s a way to measure distances. Since it’s obviously not gravity that keeps the sun and moon levitating 3,000 miles above the flat earth, what physical law explains how it works?

      On March 22, when the sun is directly over the equator, the sun rises at 90 degrees, due east, in every location in North America and South America; which is simply not possible on the flat earth model.

  2. The data for the sun moving in larger, faster circles below the equator… and smaller slower circles around the North Pole are from Stellarium. Stellarium is heliocentric software that accurately maps the heavenly bodies in the sky.

    The paths of the sun and moon were created by moving the camera to the “South Pole” and , looking toward Polaris, and removing the earth. Thank Stellarium for providing the data to explain how the sun moon and stars function in a flat earth model.

    Thank you

    • So you’re proclaiming that Stellarium, which is based on the heliocentric globe model; explains how the sun, moon and stars function on the flat earth?

      If so, that’s ridiculous! Stellarium doesn’t show that the sun speeds up or slows down, as it moves from one Tropic circle to the other. Stellarium doesn’t show the circuit of the sun expanding and contracting, like it would on the flat earth model.

      What scientific principle explains how the sun and moon rotate above the earth?
      What scientific principle keeps them 3,000 miles above the flat earth?

      What scientific principle explains how the moon looks larger some months?

      What scientific principle explains how the sun moves from the smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer, to the much larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn?

      And what is the scientific explanation for how the sun increases to 1,322 MPH on the Tropic of Capricorn and decreases its speed to 771 MPH on the Tropic of Cancer, to complete one revolution around the flat earth each day?

  3. Hopefully This Comment Does NOT get deleted so the whole world can review my words and conclude for themselves whether what we all are saying is true or not. (Even though if you do not believe what I say which is all FACTS based on the Scientific Method you can research / look into what I am saying and try to debunk EMPIRICAL PROOFS/FACTS.

    Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Suggesting something may be True.


    Proof: Establishing a Fact or the truth of a statement based on Legitimate Evidence. As it removes the doubt on the issue showing it can not be any other way.

    There is Only Two Ultimatums when it comes to Science. Either you follow Natural Science or you follow PesudoScience.

    The Scientific Method was created to determine what is Real or Fake based on What is Observable, Measurable, Testable, and Repeatable = Natural Science (Look it Up, its a Fact)

    PesudoScience is based on what is : NOT Observable, NOT Measurable, NOT Testable, and NOT Repeatable. (Big Bang Theory, Theory of Gravity, Theory of Evolution, Theory of Relativity Etc.)

    Every Single Experiment Conducted to Prove our Earth Moving / Spinning or Curved like a spherical ball (Pear shaped w.e.) has FAILED Til’ This Day in Human History. There is 200 Proofs based on the Scientific Method that CONFIRM This Earth is NOT a Spinning Ball in Outer Space, This Earth is a Flat and Stationary / Motionless Plane. There is NOT ONE SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT TO PROVE MOTION OR CURVATURE !

    How can people that believe the Earth is a Ball get side tracked with all the other 198 Proofs, that they FORGET The Two PROOFS THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PROVIDE and that is:

    Send me a Link to a Source that Shows me Proof that can be Demonstrated on an Experiment based on The 5 Steps Of The Scientific Method = “Natural Science” = “Real Science” to Confirm Curvature?

    Send me a Link to a Source that Shows me Proof that can be Demonstrated on an Experiment based on The 5 Steps Of The Scientific Method = “Natural Science” = “Real Science” to Confirm Motion/Spinning?

    Til’ This Day Gravity remains as a Theory (Not Observable, Not Measurable, Not Testable, Or Repeatable = Pesudo Science = Fake Science) that CAN NOT be Proven on any Small Scale Experiments. The Natural Law of Density (is Observable, is Measurable, is Testable, is Repeatable = Natural Science = Real Science) on the other hand can be demonstrated and proven in abundance of experiments. Why is it that we have let go of common sense and believe in a Magical Force that CAN NOT BE PROVEN?

    So the main question to ask oneself is : Have We seen a REAL Picture of Earth? Because NASA themselves ADMITS and CONFIRMS The Pictures of Earth are all composites of Fake CGI = Computer Generate Images (Cartoon Pictures) that can be Debunked using Photoshop. Furthermore, after 26 Years of supposedly orbiting Earth, why has The Hubble Space Telescope been unable to do a simple 180 Degree Turn to capture a full image of Our Earth

    If We Landed on The Moon, Why is The Flag Moving/Waving on The Moon when The Moon has 0% Of Oxygen / Air to allow that to happen??? Why did Astronaut Don Pettit from NASA admit and confirm that NASA purposely destroyed 13,000 reels of Telemetry Data? (The Supposed Technology that got them to the moon to begin with) Why is Every Single supposed Moon Rock given to Museums is confirmed to be Petrified Wood?

    Also Modern NASA has been Caught in Countless Space Walk Videos with Bubbles in Space !
    How can there be bubbles in space, when space is suppose to be an Vacuum? GO AHEAD GOOGLE: ” BUBBLES IN SPACE “.

    I am NOT a Religious / Biblical Type but I want to Clarify One Thing. If you believe The Earth is a ” Spinning Ball or Planet, then it is MANDATORY that you believe you came from Apes because Both Lies go Hand in Hand.

    Now if you say Earth is a “Planet” but yet you say that you believe you were Created, then you must understand that you are being hypocritical with yourself (Contradicting yourself, not being completely honest with yourself) because you can not believe in both Ultimatums in order to be able to attain “Genuine Truth”.

    The Earth being a Planet that’s spinning is a THEORY like Evolution that both go hand in hand to Protect this 500 Year Deception. Just how we know for a Fact after Intensive Investigation that Our Earth is not Moving or Curved like a Spherical Ball, we can as well Investigate Evolution and Ask:If “Evolution” although it has not been Confirmed or Proven to be True, “Is a Fact of Life”. Why is it then that There Has NOT been ANY OTHER Major Evolution since us “Humans” ?

    You Think I was born to Know the Earth is Flat? LMAOOO I Graduated in 2008 and I believed in everything you believed up until I was 25 Years Old. I am 28 Now. I started off with Looking into 9/11 how it was done by the Government because “Jet Fuel CAN NOT Melt Steel Beams” and the way the Tower Fell Down was Indentical to a Controlled Demolition. Then I looked into the Chemicals they are putting in Our Food and Lastly I am open minded enough to look into the Official Moon Landing and Find Out it was Fake.

    You Can Not Discredit Information just because it comes from YouTube, Facts are Facts no Matter what. In This Age of Information Ignorance is a Choice, and I Sir Refuse to be ignorant. I have and forever will leave 1% of Skepticism in Me in case Everything I have been taught to believe is True, is Actually Not.

    If I ask you a simple question I will be able to leave you speechless. Give me One Fact based on the scientific method that can confirm this earth is a spinning ball in outer space? In The Pursuit of Legitimate Truth One Must Stick to Facts, not Assumptions / Theories. As you can tell we are not sharing our own thoughts, we are sharing Scientific Empirical Data / Facts / Proofs that confirm this earth is not a spinning ball in outer space and YOU can verify for yourself. I’ll end my statement with some Empirical Facts.

    Empirical Fact # 1 out of 200 : The Natural Physics of Water is to find and maintain its level, Water Never Curves. If The Earth were a Supposed Ball we should be able to see and witness curved bodies of water. Can you show me a curved lake? Can you show me a curved ocean? Water Naturally ALWAYS seeks to find and maintain its level. ALWAYS !

    Empirical Fact # 2 out of 200 : NASA (Rob Simmons) admits and confirms Every Single Picture of Earth from Space is C G I = Computer Generated Images = Photoshop Cartoon Pictures. NOT ONE REAL Picture of Earth from Space Exist.

    Empirical Fact # 3 out of 200 : The Michelson Morley Experiment 1887 tried to prove earth moves / spins and it failed. It Concluded this earth is Motionless.

    Empirical Fact # 4 out of 200 : The Michelson Gale Experiment 1903 tried to prove earth moves / spins (again) and it failed (again). It Concluded that this earth is Stationary (again)

    Empirical Fact # 5 out of 200 : The Airys Failure (aether drag test) Experiment 1871 tried to prove earth moves / spins (again) and it failed (again). It concluded that this earth is not moving at all (again)

    Empirical Fact # 6 out of 200 : The Bedford Level Experiment 1838 tried to prove this earth Curves at the rate of 8 inches per mile squared (Calculation for Curvature) and it failed to prove Curvature. It concluded that this earth does not curve at all.

    In regards to curvature based on the measurements provided by ALL THE SPACE AGENCIES AROUND THE WORLD (which is 8 inches Per Mile Squared), We still HAVE NOT been able to Detect ANY Curvature Neither from Ground Level or Sky Level.

    Empirical Fact # 7 out of 200 : The Natural Law of Weight and Density is what keeps us on the ground. Gravity is still classified as a theory / assumption / speculation and has never been proven to be true in any small scale experiment till this day in human history.

    If Gravity were real, you can make water stick to the exterior of a spherical ball. Can you make water stick to a ball? because if you could that would be called “Gravity”. Also if Gravity were real, Airplanes, Balloons, and Birds should not be able to fly in the sky in any independent direction. Airplanes, balloons, and birds should be stuck on the ground if “Gravity” were real. The Fact is that you will NEVER EVER EVER be able to find the word “Proof” and “Gravity” in the same sentence.

    Empirical Fact # 8 out of 200 : The Sun is NOT 93 million miles away (Super Far). With simple Trigonometry you can triangulate the distance of an object and confirm that the sun is an estimate 3 thousands miles away (Super Close and Localized)

    Empirical Fact # 9 out of 200 : The Worlds Communication comes from Ground Based Technology, 99% of International Data are transmitted through Submarine Cables. For other means, we use High-Altitude Balloons, Planes, and Drones Towers, Antennas and Parabolic Reflectors.

    Now In This Era, Our Eyes can distinguish an Authentic Photo from a Cartoon/C.G.I (Computer Generated Image). If you search on Google Keyword: ” Satellites” and then filter it to “Images” you will Discover that There’s NOT 1 Real Satellite Photo ANYWHERE.

    Empirical Fact # 10 out of 200 : The World Record For Worlds Deepest Hole Ever Dug was done by The Russians in The Kola Superdeep Borehole of 1970. We (Humans) have yet Til’ This Day not been able to conduct an Experiment to Drill/Dig a hole deeper than 8 miles deep to Observe the Core of Our Earth to be having it propagandized in Our History and Science Books as Legitimate Truth when in reality the Earths Core has not been Proven.

    Look Into / Research Well Respected Book Turned Audio Book that came out in 2015 called : ” 200 Proofs The Earth is Not a Spinning Ball By Eric Dubay. Every Single Proof is based on the Scientific Method and has gone through the 5 Steps of The Scientific Method becoming 200 Empirical Data/Facts. ENJOY THE AWAKENING !!! ” THE TRUTH IS LIKE A LION, ONCE RELEASED IT DEFENDS ITSELF “.

    • That’s a lot of words Jermaine! Let’s just cut to the chase.

      What scientific principle explains how the sun and moon rotate above the earth?
      What scientific principle keeps them 3,000 miles above the flat earth?

      What scientific principle explains how the moon looks larger some months?

      What scientific principle explains how the sun moves from the smaller circle of the Tropic of Cancer, to the much larger circle of the Tropic of Capricorn?

      And what is the scientific explanation for how the sun increases to 1,322 MPH on the Tropic of Capricorn and decreases its speed to 771 MPH on the Tropic of Cancer, to complete one revolution around the flat earth each day?

      This page gives you a visual of the sun moving around the flat earth, moving from on Tropic to the others, having the change its course and it speed.

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