Nathan Roberts Of Flat Earth Doctrine Posts About The Firmament

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. The irony of Nathan Roberts accusing people of pride is off the charts, for he is one of the most arrogant flat-earthers; condemning people, questioning their salvation if they don’t believe … Read more Nathan Roberts Of Flat Earth Doctrine Posts About The Firmament

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine About Stephen King’s Under the Dome

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted a video on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page, about Stephen King’s book called Under the Dome. Nathan Roberts is a flat earth zealot, which means that he’s always looking for supposed proof that the earth is flat. Under … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine About Stephen King’s Under the Dome

Nathan Roberts Only Idiots Think That The Flat Earth Theory Is Fact

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. Wow, what irony! Only idiots think that the flat-earth theory is fact. What Nathan Roberts fails to understand is that he’s being played by the enemy, to effectively hide the geocentric universe. … Read more Nathan Roberts Only Idiots Think That The Flat Earth Theory Is Fact

Nathan Roberts Says That Gravity Fails Us Again

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted a video on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page, about smoking rising up from the fire. He proclaims that this proves that there’s no such thing as gravity, as the smoke is going up. Meanwhile, the wood and Nathan … Read more Nathan Roberts Says That Gravity Fails Us Again

Nathan Roberts PROOF that the MOON is NOT a REFLECTION OF the SUN

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘PROOF that the MOON is NOT a REFLECTION OF the SUN (Biblical Cosmology)’ Nathan Roberts, the self-proclaimed Cosmological Evangelist, shares his scientific perspective on how the sun does not illuminate … Read more Nathan Roberts PROOF that the MOON is NOT a REFLECTION OF the SUN

Nathan Roberts Destroys The Integrity Of The Scriptures

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. Nathan Roberts posted, “When an atheist asks you, “Why do you believe the Bible is scientifically accurate? Can you answer it without destroying the authority and integrity of the Scriptures?”” … Read more Nathan Roberts Destroys The Integrity Of The Scriptures

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Post On 1 Chronicles 16:30

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page. Nathan Roberts says “You can tell the earth is spinning because it feels perfectly still” and cites 1 Chronicles 16:30 which says, “Fear before him, all the earth: the world … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Post On 1 Chronicles 16:30

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Luke 17:34-35 Is Not A Flat Earth Verse

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘Luke 17:34-35: KJV (sexes) vs Matthew’s Bible 1537 ed. (no sexes)’ What’s the point of reading both Bible versions if they are basically the same? It’s not like they’re giving … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Luke 17:34-35 Is Not A Flat Earth Verse

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Isaiah 11:6 Is Not A Flat Earth Verse

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘Isaiah 11:6: KJV (wolf) vs. Matthew’s Bible 1537 ed. (wolfe)’ Isaiah 11:6 is about the wolf dwelling with the lamb, which many confuse with the lion lying with the lamb. … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Isaiah 11:6 Is Not A Flat Earth Verse

Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Isaiah 11:6 Is Not A Flat Earth Verse

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts posted this video on his Flat Earth Doctrine YouTube page, titled ‘Isaiah 11:6: KJV (wolf) vs. Matthew’s Bible 1537 ed. (wolfe)’ Isaiah 11:6 is about the wolf dwelling with the lamb, which many confuse with the lion lying with the lamb. … Read more Nathan Roberts Flat Earth Doctrine Isaiah 11:6 Is Not A Flat Earth Verse