Ships And Water Prove The Flat Earth Deception, That Water Curves

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

This page provides proof that ships prove that the earth is curved and not flat; and that water does curve around the globe earth.

Flat-earthers saying that water can’t curve, but here’s a drop of water that’s curving very nicely. 🙂

Here's a drop of water that indeed is curving.

If we’re standing on the shore, the earth curvature formula shows that we can see for about 3 miles. So beyond that point, ships will disappear from sight bottom first, as they are being hidden by the curved earth.

What flat earthers typically do is find a boat that’s 1-3 miles out, and then zoom in on it, to show that it has not disappeared over the curvature of the water/earth.  But that lacks integrity, as they’re not showing boats that are 10-20 miles away.

This video shows one ship that is moored near the horizon line, and the distant ship behind it which is well below the horizon; proving the curvature of the earth.

This still image clearly shows the distant ships disappearing bottom first, which means that it’s being hidden by the curvature of the earth.

Ship hidden by curve of the water and earth

This video shows how water indeed does curve around the earth.

Lake Pontchartrain flat earth photos debunked

Flat earthers post pictures like this of the Lake Pontchartrain causeway, to declare that the earth is flat:

Flat earthers post pictures like this of the Lake Pontchartrain causeway, to declare that the earth is flat:

But all you have to do is put straight lines on a photo of the electrical towers that go across Lake Pontchartrain, and you see that the water is indeed curving.

Flat earthers proclaim that bridges across water are straight, but the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge proves that the earth is curved.

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge proves curved earth

Water curves around the globe earth, as it’s pulled down by gravity towards the center of the globe.

Water curves because it's pulled down by gravity towards the center of the globe earth.

Flat earthers proclaim that water always seeks to find level.

This is another favorite saying of flat earthers, which is untrue.

Water seeks to move to lower elevations, not to be level.  This is why rivers flow north, east, west and south; as they seek to move downward.

The lowest level is a lake, or the sea, or the ocean; but again, water is seeking to move to a lower elevation, not to ‘be level’.

Test proves that water swirls differently in Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Flat earthers post explanations like this:

Suez cannal on flat earth

Why would they have to account for the curvature of the earth when making a canal?

The curvature of the earth is automatically accounted for, as the depth of the canal is based on feet below the land.  All they have to do is dig a trench 75 feet deep, all the way across the land.   As the earth curves, the bottom of the trench is 75 feet below it.

The Bedford Level Experiment by Alfred Russel Wallace proves that the earth is curved.

A series of experiments have been carried out along the six-mile stretch of the Old Bedford River in Norfolk, England. The first and most well-known experiment was performed in 1838 by Samuel Birley Rowbotham, English inventor and Flat Earth proponent. As part of the experiment, Rowbotham walked into the middle of a river and watched a boat row away from him through the lens of a telescope. A curved Earth would have shown the top of the boat’s mast disappear from his view the further it went along the river. But according to Rowbotham, he observed no such phenomenon.

The Bedford Level Experiment was disproved in 1870 by English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace when he took on a wager from John Hampden, a supporter of Rowbotham’s work. Wallace recreated the experiment but added an extra step: this time, he set up a line of sight 13 feet above the water. By doing this, Wallace scaled down the effects of atmospheric refraction, which can distort a person’s view and cause them to see the world as flat.

Flat earthers only cite Rowbotham’s test, but not Wallace’s.

Flat earthers post things like this, as if gravity pulls things to the bottom of the earth, not to the center of the earth.

Flat earth meme about water collecting on bottom of globe earth due to gravity

Water flows to the lowest ‘elevation’ not to the bottom of the globe earth!

Earth gravity flat earth explanations fall flat!

Flat earthers pretend that water flowing north is flowing ‘uphill’, against the curve, on the globe.

The source of the Nile is at 3,721 feet elevation.  And like many rivers, some stretches go through terrain that is increasing in elevation; but the mass of water pushes forward through those stretches.

Flat earth explanation of Nile not flowing uphill

The water is simply flowing from a higher elevation to a lower elevation, sea level.  This isn’t rocket science! 😛

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2 thoughts on “Ships And Water Prove The Flat Earth Deception, That Water Curves”

  1. 😂😂😂 You Helios Center model sun worshippers kill me. Almost as silly a someone from Australia. Having the Southern Cross on their flag. See the Southern Cross 365 nights a year. Just like we have the North Polar Star little dipper seen 365 night a year. Its on their flag and they like you believe we are moving 😂. Helios Apollo religious people under Rome lie like their Jesuits priest scientists.

    • Harold, I clearly state on the home page that the heliocentric model is a deception from the enemy, which helps them promote the evolution lie. Indeed, the Jesuit priests have deceived the world with heliocentrism and the flat earth theory, all to hide the geocentric universe that the Creator made.


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