Proof Of Earth Curvature From Michigan City To Chicago

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

From Michigan City, IN to Chicago, IL; we can see the curvature of the earth, proving that water is not flat, as flat-earthers proclaim.

He zoomed in on the buildings and the bottoms did not magically reappear.

Here’s a still shot which shows the height of the buildings, and what part of them is viewable. Half of the Willis building is missing. The top of the Grant Thornton building is just barely visible.

From Michigan City, IN to Chicago, IL; we can see the curvature of the earth, proving that water is not flat, as flat-earthers proclaim.

This is clear proof that the earth is curving, and that the earth is not flat. And it’s proof that water curves around the globe earth. What excuses can flat-earthers possible make? Will they cite the law of perspective like Nathan Roberts of Flat Earth Doctrine has done before?

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