Nathan Roberts is putting flat earth brochures on globes in a store

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.

Nathan Roberts posted this on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page.

Nathan Roberts puts flat earth brochures on globes in store

Now Nathan Roberts is putting flat earth brochures on globes in a store. I’m sure that violates store policy and I hope that he gets called out on it.

He tore up a book about cosmology in a Target store before paying for it and was approached by the manager. The man is a flat-earth zealot!

Sadly, his actions are all for not, for the Bible does not say flat earth.

Read Flat Earther Nathan Roberts of DEBUNKED! to see the ridiculous explanations that he gives, including citing verses about John the Baptist making the way straight for Messiah, because he proclaims that all paths are straight, which proves that the earth is flat. Ugh!

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