This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.
If you haven’t read The False Doctrine Of The Flat Earth book, click on the link to get more information, and to get a copy.
If you disagree with me, please provide a Scriptural defense of your belief, so that can have an honest discussion. Just making statements or calling me names, is not productive.
I fully believe in the geocentric non-rotating earth! You mentioned Pastor Dean Odle! Have you read his book: “Like Clay Under the Seal”? Very informative, containing scientific studies and FOIA’d declassified docs claiming tests from NASA, MIT, the Army, and CIA all have been conducted using a flat non-rotating earth model!! The earth is a circle and shaped like a bowl with a vast depth underneath! And non-rotating and flat where we live, surrounded by the ice wall!! Please read Pastor Dean’s book and watch his studies and let me know your thoughts!! And I have love your Revelation timeline decided, and the Oliver Discourse and the 70th week of Daniel books!! The TRUTH shall set you free!! May God continue to guide you into ALL Truth through His Holy Spirit, in His Word!! In Jesus name we pray…….AMEN!!
Jerry, it’s interesting that flat earthers declare that NASA, the military and the CIA give disinformation about the heliocentric design of the universe, but then flat earthers cite them in regard to their docs that don’t factor in the rotation of the earth.
There is no ice wall that surrounds the earth. What appears to be the ice wall on supposed flat earth maps is the continent of Antarctica which has been greatly distorted and stretched out on the north-polar azimuthal equidistant project of the globe earth.
I’m free of believing the heliocentric lie of the enemy.
That’s great that you’re able to see the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment!
Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!
When you get a chance! Again, read Pastor Dean Odle’s book and let me know your thoughts! As far as NASA, MIT, the Military etc claiming heliocentric vs geocentric, it’s really like the jesuits have distorted the Bible and Christianity to keep us from following the historicist doctrine is it not!!?? They know the truth and have read the Bible which proves the historicist doctrine but they can’t profess that so they distort it to try to deceive us!! Is it not a version of the same thing!?
I don’t believe all of Nathan’s passages proves flat earth either but Pastor Dean’s book and studies are pretty convincing of a geocentric flat earth!! Check it out! Like you state in your book on how this has divided homes, Pastor Dean has testimonies how this has brought people to Christ and united homes!!
A nephew continued to bring up the flat earth concept which prompted me seek information on the topic. I am so glad to have found your book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It brought so many things to light, and certainly provides all the information one needs to make an informed decision regarding which of the three theories should be accepted.
The bottom line for me is which one aligns ACCURATELY with scripture. And without a doubt the geocentric model fits to a tee! You mentioned your jaw dropping response to many scriptures flat earther’s use to support their theory and I have to say I experienced the exact same thing.
Lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to compile and share the truth. I knew within my spirit that the idea of a flat Earth was not quite right. I just couldn’t put on finger on what it was. I now feel prepared to have a much needed conversation with my nephew.
Thank you for sharing your story Vicki! Praise our Heavenly Father for giving us eyes to see the truth of the geocentric globe earth universe design, and the deception of heliocentrism and the flat earth theory! I pray that your nephew is teachable!
David, I forgot to mention that I really liked your explanation of the constellations and how they tell the Gospel message. Beautiful and powerful. I want to look further into this.
Thank you for your time and dedication in writing this book and for making it available at no cost. That speaks well of your character and intentions. I pray that we will all come into the fullness and knowledge of the truth as uncomfortable as that may be. Truth is occulted in this wicked world, but the Father and His Son will lead us into all truth by the Spirit of truth. I’m praying for discernment and understanding for all who are seeking God with all their hearts, minds, and souls.
Chandra, yeah, the heavenly bodies are telling a story, as they move in a predetermined pattern. Psalms 19 eludes to this.
I enjoyed your book, David. It was a good reminder to use Scripture in context. I agree with a geocentric earth designed by Yahuah. I read every scripture you included and fail to see either a flat earth or a globe revealed. Geocentric does not prove a globe.
My suspicion of a globe rests on how much it is pushed on everyone from a very young age as soon as we enter school and see the globe on our teachers’ desks. Hollywood films and production companies, TV, cartoons, business names and logos, climate activism, weather phenomena, public schools (globe in every classroom) and post-secondary education, science, NASA, church logos and names, news & media, politics, and telecommunications, internet networks, and computer programming. Everyone spews globe or global incessantly from all corners of the earth, to the ends of the earth. Why? Possibly the evil controllers want us to think the earth is a globe.
I do have a question: where in the creation account are the other “planets” mentioned? We can see them in the sky from the face of the land (earth) and from the face of the waters (the seas) with the naked eye (at least some of them). The Bible doesn’t mention them, or galaxies, or a universe. According to Wikipedia the planets used to be referred to as “wandering stars.” Could that explain their seeming omission? Could that explain their retrograde movement— that they’re stars (wandering), and not planets at all?
Chandra, you point to your suspicion of the globe because the world systems support it, but perhaps they promote it because it aligns with the laws of physics.
When Copernicus published his book, he declared that his contemporaries would mock his heliocentric explanations, as they believed in the geocentric globe earth universe.
Scripture points to the sun, moon and stars, as they dictate the heavenly Scriptural calendar. Planets aka wandering stars do not dictate the calendar, which I supposed is why they are not mentioned.
The planets retrograde motion is accounted for on the Tychonic model of the geocentric globe earth universe.
I’m in shock how deceived pastors and Christian leaders are today. Flat earth fully drops Satans veil but the Christian system props Satans and Lucifer up, who’s their Jesus Christ. They know the Bible better than Christian’s because Freemasons taught them to deceive the goyim. They pray 🙏 to Jesus Christ to deceive you like the Damar Hamlin Freemason 3rd degree ritual on the NFL field followed by watered down heavily marketed revival at Ashbury. Satan is the great deceiver and he loves using arrogance and heady leaders of the Christian body! Astronots are Freemasons, all presidents are Freemasons, all nation leaders of the world today are in those clubs as buddies working against their people for Lucifer’s plan. there is hundreds of fraternities of different types connected to Freemasons and hundreds of thousands of lodges in each nation on earth plus millions of club members for false flags and media deceptions acted out to distract and leverage our understanding.
If you have question David, would love to discuss!
My cousin who speaks internationally on creation science got spun around by me and shut down in my presence in front of his family and mine, and refuses to speak after that about where we live. He handled it without his normal character applied which is fine, think he was drained from the day out with his family. Most think flat pancake in space when there is no space, all is within the firmament. His name is Jay Seegert and chair of board of creation science group connected with Cornell University. Love you both to take a shot at me or better Dave Wiess or Globebusters. Satans religions that have been infiltrated today conditions all Christian’s into the end times being satans great deception when it’s mostly the opposite. Satans blasting truth to gauge if the world is ready for his last big deceptions in the sky, and first and second Christ or anti-Christ figures where second will be in the sky with earthly tech they are testing now for sky deceptions of Christ coming in the sky. Also possible alien invasion to bring all together against what Reagan said as enemy from the sky. Spinning or standing still globe supports satans coming plans so wake the heck up. Flat earth is not a deception, it’s truth constantly on our faces throughout life at UN, in airports art and beyond. They do that on purpose. Aliens are demons not from other planet folks!
The geocentric universe drops Satan’s veil as well. I don’t cite astronauts or NASA, as they are deceivers. I agree that astronauts, presidents and world leaders are all part of secret societies. No doubt there will be deceptions like an alien invasion, to push an agenda. UFO’s are government vehicles which use advanced technology, like the TRB-3 Black Manta.
Brent Carlson
I have noticed that flat earth beliefs are almost always represented by people who promote other lies and false teachings about God and the Bible. You are another example of this, you defend the flat earth while blaspheming the name of the Son of God, it’s very telling, you show what spirit is behind the false teaching about the flat earth, a demonic spirit. You are the devil’s slave, may the Son of the Most High have mercy on you.
I have read the book and it is very helpful. I am happy with what you are doing, there are no more people like you, I am very sad that a large number of Christians believe and promote flat earth also in my country Poland, I think it is a strong influence of some evil spirit that blinds their eyes to the truth, similarly as is the case with the false explanations of the prophecies of Revelation. The evidence for the sphericity of the earth is so simple and obvious that anyone can check it for themselves without much effort. I wish you blessings from the Father through the Son.
Thank you for your comment Krystian! That’s terrible that the flat earth deception is misleading people in Poland too! Sadly, people’s eyes have been blinded. Praise our Heavenly Father for showing us truth. Keep pressing on for the glory of our King! David
I read the book and wow! This man is ignoring there is no need for science anymore because there is tech now that prove it’s flat very easy, like Nikon P900 & P1000. He can distract with refraction and magnification but that does not explain we can see 60+ miles away. It does not explain that an high flying airplane is the same size as ISS. Planes are the same or similar size to ISS and and seen with telescopes at same magnification. So ISS balloon holding a mock-up is similar height and not as far out as they say it is. I see zero science in his book explaining both these. White coats are Satans deception, not Creators. A compass does not make sense on any sphere at all, only on flat and round. We cannot explain Antartica and ends of the Sphere because we are threaten with military might on both North Pole and South ice wall. Antartica Treaty using most militaries of the world to keep explorers out but only approved ones. He has a few verses based on straight he can say are taken out of context but if you see air”planes” flight routs they go straight only on a flat earth, not at all on a globe. When it comes to straight based on walking the straight and narrow path related to faith, he is correct that is a different context of straight but still flll globe path is not a globe straight line, it’ll a straight line only works if land is payed out on a flat earth. Near all international flights support flat earth, if not all! He’s twisting scripture after I read his depictions and KJV and quoting 1500 bibles which he says using sphere which is highly questionable when sphere is not in KJV today or in 1611 version. Circle means circle ⭕️ but he’s expands to sphere which is doing exactly what he claims flat earther do, to fit their narrative but he’s actually doing it. Satans greatest deception is space nonsense all together. So some telescope can pull in a planet from Mullins of miles away is impossible with scientific diminishing of light source science. That planet would have to be Illini’s of times larger to create even seeing it. The idea light takes light years to get here is fictional science based on nonsense to deceive you.
Now I understand why this Robert was so hard on this guy because he’s a deceiver worshiping science fiction over Creators words.
Brent, my book is not meant to be a scientific explanation. It focuses on the Bible verses which flat earthers cite. It’s sad that you can’t at least see that I show that the universe is geocentric, and that heliocentrism is a deception from the enemy. I don’t cite NASA and I expose heliocentrism, so your charge that I worship science fiction over the Creator’s words, is without merit.
Brent Carlson
You talk nonsense, I’ve been watching the iss for several years and I know that it flies at a high altitude of about 400 km above the ground. During flights, it is visible at the same time from places 1000 km apart, which would be impossible at an altitude such as an airplane. I also saw Elon Musk’s starlink satellites in the sky in very large numbers, maybe 50, 60, I don’t know, I didn’t count, but they flew one after the other for half an hour or more like a train. I have also seen NOSS satellites flying 1000 km above the ground in the sky.
I had the privilege of flying on the Concorde. I will never forget when we reached the cruising altitude of 60,000 feet that while looking out the window I could actually see the
curvature of the earth. What an amazing sight.
I have just finished your well researched and well written book . It gave me a better understanding of what is behind the deception of a flat earth.
Many thanks and blessings.
Thank you for sharing your experience on the Concorde Sharon! I’m glad that the book helped you see the truth about what Scripture is describing. Many blessings to you! David
That’s nonsense because the windows are curved to provide that deception. When I fly international, I place my eye on the center of the window up against to see ZERO curve at all. Bible is clear in the end times even the elect will be deceived and I promise you this space deception is everything to Satanists with the coming human tech antics in the sky. Birds fly in the heavens according to the Bible which means sky not universe. Just the sky and this guy is applying his assumptions to fit in the dumbed down Christian community to sell books and keep people blind. What did Reagan say at the UN. What if what we need is an outside enemy to bring us together against it. He meant Creator coming to earth. All presidents are related, all Freemasons and all worship Lucifer as Christ Jesus, do be informed where they’re many books on satans well organized army being under oaths which is in the Bible too. Creator limited Lucifer to have to create oath followers if he tries this. Creator also knows Satans plan and why he sent Christ when he did 1000 years after Satans plan was created by the arrogant fake Jews.
“Pawns ♟️ in the Game” explains a lot of it, so pastors and seminaries need to pull their arrogance out to see they’ve been deceived by satans earthly religions who came out of the Beast, the Vatican! Easily manipulate the Bible to suit Lucifer’s means and blind and dumb down the people.
Brent, yeah, FE’s have an excuse for everything, such as curved glass. That’s ridiculous! You’re not going to see much side-to-side curvature on a normal airplane flight, as you viewing angle is limited and you’re not high enough.
If the earth was flat, you would be able to see much further out. But you can’t, because of the curvature of the earth.
The evil ones probably discontinued the Concorde flights to eliminate the proof.
My books are free to read, so your accusation about selling books is without merit.