Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Posts YouTube Policy Update

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted this notice from YouTube about limiting recommendations on flat earth videos. Of course Nathan thinks that they are just trying to cover over the truth about the flat earth. I would think that YouTube would do more … Read more Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Posts YouTube Policy Update

Nikon P1000 Camera Description Points To ISS

This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. Since flat earthers seem to adore the Nikon P900 camera, and use its images in their explanations, it will be interesting to see how the P1000 camera changes their perspective. Nikon’s description includes mention of the moon, International Space Station and the … Read more Nikon P1000 Camera Description Points To ISS