This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped.
This page discusses photos in regard to the flat earth deception, and the globe earth proof.
It’s been established that much of what NASA publishes is CGI to provide clear images; and there is much controversy about the lunar landing, the Challenger space shuttle accident, etc.; so this website does not cite NASA.
To be fair, the same is true of images that are provided by flat earthers, who are biased and have an agenda. So we will rely on third-parties, who have no agenda in regard to the flat earth debate, but only love astronomy.
We know that NASA was created by PSYOP specialists, mind-control people. We know that they did not land on the moon, and that the video and photos were faked.
But that in itself does not prove the flat earth.
Flat earthers continually post images on Facebook that are not wide enough to prove that the earth is flat. They are 1-2 miles wide, which is not going to show a perceivable curve.
Where are the pictures from high above the earth, that prove that the earth looks like the flat earth map?
Where are the pictures of the supposed glass dome?
Where are the pictures of the edge of the flat earth?
Please show me photos that prove these things; and then I will comment about them.
Until then it’s just a theory.
The High Altitude Balloon 18 video, which was published on Jan 7, 2019; shows the curvature of the earth.
This video was recorded by the camera with the 1000nm infrared filter and a 7.2mm lens. The comparison video was shot with a camera placed next to it in the capsule. That camera had a 5.4mm lens. The infrared camera has a tighter shot than the comparison camera.
These still shots from the video show the curvature.
They use photos that seem like the horizon is straight, but if you simply put a straight line across them, you see the curvature.
On this photo over the U.K., the white line is level with the horizon in the middle left, and there is obvious curvature on both the left and right side.
On this one the red line is level with the horizon to the right of the airplane support beam, and the left and right side of the horizon curved down.
On this one the red line is even with the horizon on the left and right sides, and the earth is raised up in the middle, proving that the earth is curved.
On this one the red line is level on the left side and on the right side the horizon drops down.
Flat Earthers pictures confirmed the curvature formula!
Below are pictures which give the altitude of the airplane, so that we can plug that number into the curvature formula, to determine the horizon line; to see if it matches up with the picture.
These pictures were taken from a U2 spy plane by the manufacturer, Lockheed, at 70,000 feet. The curvature formula says that the horizon line is 324 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved.
From 70,000 feet, if the Earth were flat, we should be able to see much, much further.
This picture was taken on a Gulfstream jet at 45,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 260 miles; and that it what the picture shows us, proving that the earth is curved. On a flat earth, we should be able to see much further at 45,000 feet (8.5 miles) up.
This photo was taken at 40,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 245 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.
This photo was taken at 30,000 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 212 miles, which looking at the land below, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.
This photo was taken at 750 feet, so the curvature formula says that the horizon line is 33.54 miles, which looking at the horizon, looks on target, proving that the Earth is curved.
Here is the only picture ever taken of Concorde flying at Mach 2 (1,350 mph). Taken from an RAF Tornado fighter jet, which only rendezvoused with Concorde for 4 minutes over the Irish Sea: The Tornado was rapidly running out of fuel, struggling to keep up with Concorde at Mach 2. Notice that the plane is straight, which proves that a fish-eye lens is not distorting the picture.
Flat earthers proclaim that the plane is curved, so they proclaim that a fish-eye lens was used (which is their standard response about any photo which shows the curve); so I added a straight line below the line of windows, so that you can see that it’s straight.
Below is a photo by Captain Mike Bannister showing the curvature of the earth as seen from a Concorde flight.
Return to the Flat Earth Deception home page.
so iron is holding all the trillions of gallons of water on the side of a ball, but me and the fish and submarines can go right through this lockdown of 8lbs per gallon.? i bring a basketball in my boat and pour a cup of water on the ball but it rolls off the ball and into the boat? where is the force and why doesnt it hold the water on the side of the basketball?
With that logic, I understand why you’re a flat-earther. I don’t believe in gravity per se, but in the electromagnetic force of the geocentric universe. A ball doesn’t have enough mass or electromagnetic force to cause water to stick to it, so it falls to the earth. You tell me, what causes objects including water to be attracted to the earth and not just float in the sky?
Excellent work, David. Flat Earthers suffer from a mental disorder that cannot be reasoned with.
The challenge is that YouTube is filled with videos that provide explanations, which on the surface seem to make sense, so if you’re not careful then you deem the explanations as proof after proof that the earth is flat. I’ve watched enough FE videos to see how they’re manipulating the data. It’s hard to watch believers be so misled by this false narrative. And you’re right, they can’t be reasoned with, as they are so convinced. I give away my book for free and pray that the Spirit leads them to truth.
It is alleged that the CIA are the authors of this latest cgi flat earth psy-op – do you have any info on that? Some also claim that it did not come on the scene until the computer cgi age.
I just focus on showing people what Scripture says about the design of the earth and universe, and to give people simple proofs. Even if you showed proof that it’s from the CIA, FE’s would deny it. The FE agenda began in earnest after proof that the earth is at the center of the universe, started to be published.
Agreed, hence I wondered if the government used flat earth as a psyop in order to discredit Fixed Globe, centre of the universe, Truth. It has also divided the right wing movement – another of their aims.
Yeah, that’s it! The enemy has created a false dichotomy between the heliocentric model and the flat earth model, which effectively hides to true geocentric globe earth model.
Hi David , I recently found your website and have bought 3 of your books . As someone who has come out of deception my guard is always up. I Have spent countless hours on the Flat Earth and I am trying to understand what you are missing. As far as the Bible not saying the Earth is Flat I was always taught that those silly Christians used to believe the Earth was Flat . I have also seen several old Bibles that have pictures of the Biblical Flat Earth image in the illustrations. All of the sources I can find are in agreement that the ancient Hebrews and Moses believed in a Flat Earth and Moses as you know wrote Genesis.I also did so many physical observations and tests ; such as going to the Jersey and taking pictures with high powered lenses and you can easily observe beaches that should be 200 feet below the horizon. I am not sure why you can’t see this I have looked at most of your info and will continue to do so . I would be interested in your comments. Thanks.
Hi Sandy, I understand about having your guard up, as there are many deceptions in these end times. We both agree that the Bible says that the earth is motionless, and that the sun is moving around it in a circuit. I cover the verses which flat-earthers cite, in my The False Doctrine Of The Flat Earth book, which is free.
In my The True Doctrine Of The Globe Earth book, I cover more information about how the Bible and science point to a globe earth at the center of the universe. I also offer it for free.
When I watched FE explanation videos, I could see how the perspective was manipulated, either from ignorance or on purpose.
This website gives simple explanations, which prove out the globe earth. The sun and moon testify every day that the earth is a globe, as they rise from below the horizon at full size; which would not happen if the earth was flat. If the earth was flat, they would appear as a small dot above the Eastern horizon and grow dynamically in size until they are overhead, and then they would shrink back down to a little dot and disappear above the Western horizon. Simple as that bro. 🙂
David, few, perhaps 10 years ego I watched films of experimental X-1 rocket engine planes flights from early sixties. They were dropped from B=52 planes.These were going very high , on the films one was able to see earth from a hight of 50-60 km. or more. They were black and white. there was no curvature. If these films are still there have a look. I just had a look but couldn’t find these films anymore, and some were modified. I hope you do not beliece in curving oceans. I dont.
So you want me to look for films that you can’t find yourself, which you say show that the earth is flat? People debate about films, about the lenses used, so it really doesn’t convince anyone to change their mind.
Every drop of water is drawn to the center of the earth, by the electromagnetic forces of the globe earth that has an iron-based core. So it’s not that water is ‘curving’ per se, it’s that water is held down on the earth by this force.
Isn’t that what you’v been using on this website, even in this article you used it , photos and films. It is called hipocrysy.
Also I see you are double minded , you don’t believe in the Bible , you believe in yourself.Thats why you believe in science and garbage abot an iron-based core.
You asked me to look for a film that you saw, but that you can’t find yourself. Why bring it up, if you don’t have the proof?
As for the photos on this website, many of them are from flat-earthers who proclaim that the horizon is flat. But when you apply a straight line, you see the curvature.
Flat-earthers also point to an electro-magnetic earth, not gravity.
The Bible describes a globe earth at the center of the universe, which is not moving; and a sun that moves around it.
Typical flat earther, descends into name calling.
so iron is holding all the trillions of gallons of water on the side of a ball, but me and the fish and submarines can go right through this lockdown of 8lbs per gallon.? i bring a basketball in my boat and pour a cup of water on the ball but it rolls off the ball and into the boat? where is the force and why doesnt it hold the water on the side of the basketball?
Photos such as these just show how stupid they think ppl are. Yup shows a curve there fore must be curved. But anyone can photo a flat round plate and show it to have curvature if you tilt it. Logic proves no curvature can be seen on an airplane. The horizon is at the same level in all directions.
The globe model would not need trickery to prove itself.
You’re missing the point. Flat earthers posted these pictures, saying that they proved that the earth is flat; but when you apply a straight line, you see that it’s not. There’s no trickery.
The horizon is at the same level in all directions because the earth curves away from you. Use the earth curvature formula, and you see that the distance that you can see, matches up with the formula. If the earth was flat, you would be able to see much further.
Hi guys your comments are all very interesting but your all wrong the earth is square lol
I got here by asking a simple question, to find if anyone had posted anywhere their thoughts regarding it: how would the horizon of a flat earth look different from the actual horizon? I figured I had already easily answered in principle, being a good draftsman, as a good engineer ought to be.
I knew that even from 10K ft in an old Piper Tripacer I once had that the horizon’s curve was visually obvious on a CAVU day over water. And that even the center of the horizon was slightly below a level line projected from my eye level; IOW I was looking slightly down to where my sightline became tangent to earth far ahead (a point where that sightline was perpendicular to the relative “level” out there.) Simple geometry. It would follow therefore that were the earth flat I would see a horizon at a virtually infinite distance away, and it would always be up at eye level, straight level all around.
To mimic a flat earth, use this earth curvature formula
Add six zeroes after the globe earth circumference of 3,959 to mimic a planet with a 3,959,000,000 mile radius; which effectively is flat on top for an area that is larger than earth.
You can see that the horizon would appear at 3,000 miles, not 3 miles. You should be able to see features, such as mountains, which are 3,000 miles away, using a telescope; but you can’t.
The points is that if the earth was flat, we would be able to see much further.
“Flat earth” is a demonic hoax.
No more needs to be said.
This is hilarious! You are using flat earth pictures to say its a globe because you just cant let go of it? It isnt a pancake… Its a plane. It doesnt have an edge doesnt mean it is round. You cannot fly east and end up west. Pilots have to use a flat earth model because a globe spinning & floating would mess up their flight paths. A curved lense also will curve an edge. Good try though on proving how far indoctrinated people will go to have a galaxy filled fantasy with dreams of flying with The Guardians… Just dont see a globe here my friend. Space is the air above us, not the cosmos locked away from us.
Your comment is hilarious, you have only made statements, and have not proven anything. You’ve only proven your ignorance, as I don’t teach that the earth is spinning, but rather that it is still at the center of a geocentric universe.
This is an issue that both flat-earthers and their detractors get wrong. Geometrically, you will never see a horizontal curvature of the horizon on a spherical earth. All you will observe is a vertical declination from eye level to the horizon.
You can perform a thought experiment. Suppose you are standing at the top of a 1000 ft tower. Start by staring at the horizon to the north, and then start turning to the east, south, west, and then back to north, all the while observing the horizon. By the time you have turned fully around 360 degrees, the horizon has to be back at the same level as where you started. If the horizon was curved, then as you turned, the horizon would fall away and never return to the original elevation once you have completed your turn.
Now perform the though experiment again at 10,000 ft. And then 100,000 ft, and then 500 miles. The horizon always has to remain horizontal. It will just be at a greater declination from horizontal as you increase in elevation.
So, some of your critics are correct. The photos that you show are all distorted by lenses or windows, which all give the false sense of horizontal curvature. I suggest that you modify this section of your otherwise very useful website.
With the kind of logic Rob, I understand why you’re a flat earther. Let’s use your 100,000 feet example. Take a picture of the horizon, marking the height of the center. Rotate 30 degrees, take a picture, marking the height of the center. Continue this for the full 360 degrees, and all of the centers of the pictures are at the same height.
Some of the photos on this page are front flat-earthers, who don’t know how to apply a straight line on their photos to see the curvature.